Wednesday, April 18, 2012

[Victims of Court Corruption] "How Would You Get The Judiciary Back On Track?" - Question by Josephn

Jon Roland:

As you perhaps know, I have for years contended for the powers of Grand Juries, that that power belong uniquely within the hands of the People. The system that was established is a workable one with J.A.I.L., but has shortcoming as to the powers in the People.

Now why do I state that? The reason is that if we only rely upon the Grand Jury as originally created with no further enforcement of a Special Grand Jury, we will have problems with the prosecutors. While Grand Juries are well suited in none-conflict cases, it is insufficient when it comes to judges. Prosecutors generally will not prosecute judges, and in many cases, even non-judicial politicians such as the Board of Supervisors, D.A.s, or the A.G. himself.

If we clutter the everyday riff-raft of which common Grand Jurors should be involved in to also include judges, we will find ourselves creating a forum to second-guess judges. Are we to be given the choice between taking an appeal to the appellate court, or choosing rather to file a complaint with the Grand Jury? Shall permit both at the same time? Should we not rather wait until the judicial system has completely had its opportunity to rectify the situation before  going to the Grand Jury? If so, is this not J.A.I.L. in operation? The Grand Jury created by J.A.I.L. does not have jurisdiction until all judicial remedies are exhausted. Further, this Special Grand Jury only performs under matters where there is a high likelihood of a conflict of interest.

Under J.A.I.L., we do not allow judges to decide in imposing sentences against their own judicial brethren, but we uniquely leave that power to the jury itself that found for conviction of the judge.

While we allow the sheriff first shot at enforcement, we are the back up enforcement, and can arrest the sheriff should he get in the way. These are not just cosmetic matters, but fundamental to rightful enforcement. Remember, when it comes to enforcement, the People must retain Alpha and Omega power.

Ron Branson

Jon Roland wrote:
The remedy is not to create special grand juries to hear complaints about official misconduct, including judicial misconduct, but to open all grand juries for that, the way they once were.

Defendant's Motion to Dismiss
in Sibley v. Obama provides a roadmap of what we will need to overcome to get to our destination. The only likely way to do it is by proposing amendments, not just to get them adopted, although that would be best, but to focus demands for reform that might achieve some improvement even without ratification. People need specific proposals they can build a movement around. The Equal Rights Amendment movement largely succeeded without getting their amendment ratified.
-- Jon  ---------------------------------------------------------- Constitution Society      2900 W Anderson Ln C-200-322  Austin, TX 78757 512/299-5001 ----------------------------------------------------------


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