Saturday, October 15, 2005


Frederick A. Jones
670A Greene Avenue, Apt. 3B,
Brooklyn, New York 11221,
Section 8 Tenant-Based Assistance
Housing Choice Voucher Program
Voucher Number : 102241,
Telephone Number : 1-212-919-2028
Fax Number : 1-212-919-2028
Email Address :
Brooklyn Housing Court Index Number :
Saturday 15 October 2005

Christopher J. Ingram
Director of the Section 8 Voucher Division
New York Office of Public Housing
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
26 Federal Plaza, Room 32-116
New York, New York 10278
Fax Number : 1-212-264-9834
Telephone Number : 1-212-542-7000, extension 464726#
Alternate Telephone Number : 1-504-234-5585 (cell phone for Director of Public Housing Mirza Negron Morales)

Dear Mr. Ingram :

I am a former combat infantryman of the elite 101st Airborne Division (Vietnam), a seperated new york city police officer, a seperated new york city correction officer, a seperated united nations securtity officer, and now an extremely poor 60-year old disabled soldier of misfortune who has suffered constantly while being a tenant in the above Section 8 Tenant-Based Assistance Housing Choice Voucher Program (Voucher Number : 102241).
Accordingly, on 29 September 2005, outside of room 602, Part G (Non-Payment Part), Brooklyn Housing Court, at 141 Livingston Street , Brooklyn, New York 11201 (Hon. George M. Heymann, presiding : 1-718-643-7529), two lawyers of Landlord Sarah Dademade and Sarah Dademade (P.O. Box 20685, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11202 ; 1-646-294-2441), repeatedly accosted me in an abusive manner. They ordered me to sign the same extremely outrageous renewal leases and the even more outrageous riders to such renewal leases that the landlord had been abusively demanding many times, while in my section 8 residence (apartment 3B) during approximately two previous years. The landlord and her lawyers, at this time, also brazenly continued their months of abusive demands for plainly categorically illegal rent payments. I did repeatedly refuse, at this time, to sign such renewal leases and the such riders. Moreover, I did repeatedly refuse, at this time, to pay the subsidy that the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development did fail to pay.
When I tried to approach the Honorable George M. Heymann, the landlord stood in front of me while one of the lawyers ran into the courtroom. The lawyer immediately returned and stated, "You are adjourned for November first." Then she continued, "Is that date alright for you?" She was apparently holding the calender and the clipboard of the court officer, who followed behind her and nodded in the affirmative.
The Black male employee of HPD ( the PHA and the administrator of the Section 8 Program of the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development ; see, Mildred Shirley, at 1-212-863-8018 ) who had came to testify and to present records to the court on my behalf was clearly summarily dismissed by the landlord and by her two lawyers.
This requested testimony and these requested records were the result of two properly served
subpoenas, signed by Judge Thomas M. Fitzpatrick of the Housing Part, on 31 August 2005 (Index Number : 82840/2005). Nevertheless, this HPD employee departed without having consulted me and without any suggestion of my consent. The employee had, therefore, apparently returned to HPD. All of the above actions were done while I stood outside the courtroom and while I did plainly consent to nothing.
I know, beyond a doubt, that I am suffering unlawful mandatory court procedures. Such procedures are plainly the result of the most flagrant perjury, perjury that is clearly evidenced by the landlord's petition. Indeed, I have always paid my full share of the rent on time. In addition, I have always had very readily available legal proof of all of such payments. Furthermore, I have always been a model tenant. Now, an alleged inaction on my part can cause a gravely serious default judgement against me and the dispossession of my dear dwelling. In addition to this, I do believe that the above type of misconduct can cause an error that will literally have me living on the sidewalk, as Winter approaches. I need help : no legal representation and no legal advice, and no comments regarding the case (Index Number : 82840/2005, Housing Part, Brooklyn Housing Court, 141 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201). Instead, I need the help that may be provided by and provided in the PHA Plans (See, 24 CFR 903.3 and 24 CFR 903.6) and the Administrative Plan (See, 24 CFR 982.54, at >"Constitution & Codes" >"Code of Federal Regulations" >"Search Title 24 and Search Section 982.54"). I am not getting any of this crucial help, despite numerous communications to city, state, and federal agencies.
I have documents that clearly indicate that I have recently past my annual HQS inspection and my annual recertification. Such documents also evidence that the HAP subsidy to the landlord has been reinstated. Nevertheless, the landlord has plainly based the argument in her petition upon her constant abusive demands that I pay the full subsidy that the PHA has failed to pay. This is, very clearly, an extremely flagrant categorical violation of the lease and of federal rules and of PHA policy. The landlord has also repeatedly made such demands in writing. Indeed, she plainly stated threats, in letters to the HPD and to myself. Accordingly, she said that if such suspended subsidy is not paid by myself or the by the HPD, she will simply get a lawyer and put me onto the sidewalk for having made complaints, in good faith, to the HPD. This conduct demonstrates the actual criminal abuse that this new york city landlord clearly believes that she is licensed to perform.


As a result of the foregoing, I must complain that the many meaningless and irrelevant responses or lack of responses to my many requests for only a few crucial or relevant rules, standards, and policies had demonstrated PHA noncompliance. Indeed, I had only wanted to know from Messrs. S. Donovan, M.Ferrigno, O. Salazar and Mesdames P. Zafiriadis, M. Shirely, R. Simons, M. Rifenburg, and others the actual policies and rules and standards as established in the PHA Plans and the Administrativ Plan, with respect to procedures for landlord requested lease renewals and for landlord requested additional security deposits and for obtaining copies of the Administrative Plan and the PHA Plans. Now, as I clearly desperately need such written and clearly established information, I have received a resulting total disregard or a total absence of meaningful information. Such conduct and such inaction indicate PHA noncompliance with its plan. See, 24 CFR 903.25, at >"Constitution & Codes" >"Code of Federal Regulations" >"Search : Title 24 and Section 903.25"
Thank you, for your attention.

Sincerely Yours,
Frederick A. Jones
670 A Greene Avenue, Apt. 3B
Brooklyn, New York 11221
Telephone No. 1-718-919-2028
Fax No. 1-718-919-2028
E-mail Address :

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