Saturday, February 23, 2013

[Victims of Court Corruption] * * * Give Em' The Truth Anyway! * * * Ron Branson

fn:Ron Branson
adr;dom:;;P.O. Box 207;North Hollywood,;CA.;91603
title:National J.A.I.L. Commander-In-Chief
note;quoted-printable:Ron Branson=0D=0A=
National J.A.I.L. Commander-In-Chief=0D=0A=


J.A.I.L. News Journal
Judicial  Accountability  Initiative  Law

Los Angeles, California                                        February 23, 2013

The Battle Lines are Drawn:  J.A.I.L. versus The Foreign Power
A Power Foreign to Our Constitution

Give Em' The Truth Anyway!
By Ron Branson
National JAIL4Judges Commander-In-Chief

On February 21st, I sent out a message entitled, "Ron Branson - The Egotistical Idiot!" Therein, I concluded with the words, Whatever happened to the saying, "We have but only begun to fight?" Okay, okay, I shall go back to my computer and see how Ron Branson's suggestion is pulled apart and another plan instituted in its place as has been practiced for the last sixteen years.

This paragraph is referring to the fact that no matter how Truth is presented, some will always come forth with an alternative and oppose it. "No, No, we cannot allow the unadulterated Truth to reach the eyes of the People, try this instead." I was well on point, as sure enough I was presented an alternative to JAIL4Judges, namely, "If I were you, I'd start making a serious push to end secret vote counting, and restore counting of paper ballots in public at the precinct level." In other words, I should give up on the passage of Judicial Accountability Initiative Law until we get honest voting!

It is this position I wish to tackle in this J.A.I.L. News Journal. This argument is referred to as, "The chicken, or the egg, which came first?" question. The answer to this question is simple! It is the "chicken,"  ... that is if the Truth means anything to you. Genesis 1:21, & 22, "And God created ... every winged fowl after his kind: ...  And God blessed them, saying, ... let fowl multiply in the earth." In other words, God did not directly create eggs, but chickens, and commissioned them to lay eggs!

First, I present the argument made by Henry Morgan of Florida that I should give up JAIL4Judges until after justice is obtained within the voting system.

Hey Ron,
It should be obvious.....even to the most obtuse.....that until we put an end to counting votes in secret.....nothing else matters (except, possibly, buying more guns, ammo and organizing militias). "Those who cast the votes decide nothing.  Those who count the votes decide everything."     ~~~ Josef Stalin
After that.....I'd say J4J (JAIL4JUDGES, judicial accountability,  should be at the top of the priority list.
The 2006 fiasco in SD [South Dakota] could not have been designed or carried out more expertly by our enemies...with the intention of burying J4J forever. I told you then that your constant "proselytizing overtones"  were inappropriate, and turning people off......but you persisted.  
I told Bill Stegmeier then....that getting on the ballot was the easy part....that he'd need at least 1 million in the bank for tv & radio ads during the campaign....before he started......and a stable of creative, experienced video / PR people who could field the enemy PR, and produce powerful rebuttal ads.....on the fly......overnight!   He said he had it covered.  He didn't have it covered.  He was politically inept......and totally blew the interview with the state ballot committee.
National J4J was in disarray.....and even totally off-line at critical periods.....and the various state chapters were not adequately organized and marshalled to pull out all the stops to support the SD initiative.  Let's be honest, Ron. It a word........a totally counterproductive, ill planned clusterfuck that seriously woke up the enemy.......
set JAIL back at least 10 years.......and made it 10 times more mount another attempt. But what the least you and Steg got some political experience.
Meanwhile, If I were you,  I'd start making a serious push to end secret vote counting,
and restore counting of paper ballots in public at the precinct level. After that is accomplished......maybe JAIL (Judicial Accountability Initiative Law)  will have another chance. 
Here, I would like to refute the idea that we should give up on the principle fight of Judicial Accountability until ......?  In April of 1995, after many years of experience within the courts going all the way back to 1981, I besought the Lord out of frustration about what we must do, having learned the lesson that "Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results." Albert Einstein. The Lord spoke to me at that time and told me to set my hands to the keyboard, and for the next two days I was totally engrossed in the initial version of When I completed what the Lord gave to me, I swung around from the keyboard at my back, and looked up, stating, "Lord, I know you have commissioned me to write this, but what am I going to do with it? I have neither money nor name recognition." The Lord spoke very definitely to me as if verbally and said, "Ron, leave that to Me!" At that time I did not understand the impact of those five words, but a couple years thereafter I leaned what His words meant. He was saying, I am going to make your enemies spend their fortunes making this known across this nation by opposing this.

Now I realize that not everyone reading this will grasp what I just said, but nevertheless, it is the Truth! God's Truth! Such commission is not based upon how People receive it, but rather upon the presentation of Truth, whether they will hear or not! "Give Em' The Truth Anyway!"

I am sent as was Ezekiel, "For they will not hearken unto me: for all the house of Israel are impudent and hardhearted. Behold, I have made thy face strong against their faces, and thy forehead strong against their foreheads. As an adamant harder than flint have I made thy forehead: fear them not, neither be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house." Ezekiel 33:7 - 9. God says,
"Give Em' The Truth Anyway!"

But what if they refuse to hear?
"Give Em' The Truth Anyway!" But what if they outspend us ten thousand to one? "Give Em' The Truth Anyway!" But what if we do not have the media on our side? "Give Em' The Truth Anyway!" What if they play with, and falsify the voting process? "Give Em' The Truth Anyway!" What if they twist our words and lie about what we are saying? "Give Em' The Truth Anyway!" "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32. The Truth can never be defeated, never in a thousand years! Hammering at them with the Truth shall drive them insane! Never, never, never give up, but "Give Em' The Truth Anyway!" "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7. "Give Em' The Truth Anyway!"

But shouldn't we first leave the focal cause and concentrate on honesty in voting? No, No, No, never. To do so is to abandon our first cause, the Truth! There was voter fraud going on before the existence of JAIL4Judges. There has arisen organization after organization to affront such voter fraud. Over the sixteen years since the founding of JAIL4Judges, we have only witnessed the expansion of voter fraud. Voter fraud has only gotten worse. Our enemy is not moved at the rise of opposition to their voter fraud, They laugh at us. Even today, there are masses of People who allege that out current president was elected only by voter fraud. So how is that fight coming along?

The truth of the matter is that if we were to focus merely upon voter fraud, we will still have voter fraud for the unforeseen future of time to come. The only way we are going to send our enemies running with their tails between their legs is through Judicial Accountability. Believe me when I say this, that the passage of JAIL4Judges in a single state, will bring the fear of God into their hearts and will terrorize them, and miracles will then begin to happen. Trust me. 

The ramification of the passage of JAIL4Judges is beyond the comprehension of all but the most astute. No matter what the opposition may offer, we must "Give Em' The Truth Anyway!" If at first we fail, we must "Give Em' The Truth Anyway!" If after we try and try again, and each time we fail, we must "Give Em' The Truth Anyway!" We must give them the Truth until the last principled person is left standing. We must give them the Truth until Hell freezes over. No matter what, "Give Em' The Truth Anyway!" Their lies shall utterly fail, and all of you have God's promise on that! "I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be found." Psalm 37:36.

Perhaps most of us are familiar with the Hollywood movie "Saving Private Ryan." In the last scene Tom Hanks is wound, laying along the side of the way at the end of the bridge as an enemy tank is approaching him. He draws our his pistol and with a last ditch effort to defeat the enemy, he fires at the approaching tank. As the tank gets nearer to him, one would think that they are going to witness the final demise of Tom Hank. But just then the tank explodes into a massive ball of flames from a bomb dropped from a plane that arrives out of nowhere, and the enemy is defeated.

Just so, we must "Give Em' The Truth Anyway!"

Ron Branson
The Egotistical Idiot!

Gentlemen, gentlemen, dare I step in here to interject my 2 cents worth? Often I stand on the sidelines to observe the controversies. I admit to my hesitancy to jumping in rapidly, inasmuch as I realize that one can interpret my words a self-serving and boastful, being the author of JAIL4Judges. So right at the outset, I readily admit to my predicament. There is an old saying, "It is hard to be humble when you know as much as I do." But my predicament is, how do I speak the Truth without somehow appealing to my own accomplishments and knowledge? I do know know how to do that, so I will just have to bear the scorn of those who charge that Branson is just patting himself on the back. So be it. I will just have to accept that some will receive the Truth, and some will not! So now I face the charge, "What is Truth?" And "Does Truth rest with Ron Branson?"

Gentlemen, we do not need any, or more "Rush Limbaughs." Not to put down Rush, as he does say many good things. Basically, I see him as a marvelous entertainer with some good points, however, I cannot picture Rush really getting to the warfare dealing blows at the heart of the problem. Will he take on judicial immunity? Will he take on the overthrow of the Federal Reserve Banking system? I really doubt it. These subjects are just too close to home, outside the controversial circles of politics.

Yes, Arnie is quite right. The system is terrified at the very thought of the passage of judicial accountability as proposed by JAIL4Judges, and our opposition will spend unlimited funds to ditch the subject. But my qualm with the patriot community is, does this give us an excuse to turn from the front line and position our cross hairs at a less controversial target that will not generate so much resistance? I say Nay! The patriots have gone AWOL from the front line. JAIL4Judges in South Dakota revealed for the doubters where the front line is, i.e., the Achelies Heel of our enemies, if you will.

I guarantee you that hitting the bulls eye of the target is going to generate the maximum resistance. Our objective cannot be to look for less resistance. We cannot be content with a less serious front line. True, they are going to pull out their big guns, and fire their big artillery backed by millions of dollars. Wake up, patriots,. we destroy the Federal Reserve with their Federal Reserve Notes! Lots and lots of them. But you say, "We haven't got millions of Federal Reserve Notes like they have." Based upon this conclusion, shall we just throw down our guns and run the other way? Shall we just cash in our chips and surrender, or shall we not put on a fierce fight for Truth at any cost? It amazes me how many Federal Reserve Notes the patriot community is spending, and will spend, on other things that avoid the real frontline issue.

I was called to be a speaker at a major patriot seminar. I was very concerned about what I needed to say, which would have cut clear across all the other patriot speaker's messages if what we needed to do. I was tempted to say, "With all the money that has been spent on sponsoring this seminar, we could have launched a fearful blow to our enemies that they will never forget, but I resisted the temptation and tried not to discount everyone elses message. I am known by patriot leaders throughout this nation. I don't wish to alienate them. But I know a lot of them think I am the engine on a single track. To this charge, I plead guilty. But at least I perceive that I am on the right track to victory to which the system fears most of all.

I have been at this front line issue now for sixteen years and have never received a salary for my labor. I say this not that I should be bountifully reimbursed, God knows, but to express the absence of essential priorities!

Let me put a good word in here for Bill Stegmeirer. He determined that he wished to invest his money in a effort to provide a better future for his children. He coughed up out of his own personal funds $140,000 to place JAIL4Judges on the ballot. To my knowledge, he had no real serious supporters in his effort other than one multi-millionaire who gratefully contributed $6,000. This multi-millionaire said, "If you win, I have got a lot more money for you." I know that this millionaire previously contributed just shy of a million dollars in a single election just to try to get his man elected as governor. He failed in his effort. Did he quit? No! I simply think he has lessor priorities, but it was his money to invest!

Did we win in South Dakota? In the conventional evaluation, no, we did not win. But Bill revealed how vulnerable the system really is. The system relied on the hope no one would ever come forward with the Federal Reserve Notes to provide that JAIL4Judges would ever see the light of day. They were wrong. My point is that just one man rocked this nation, and threw fear into the hearts of the controlling system. He managed to gender 105 State Legislators of both Democrats and Republicans, the entire judicial system of South Dakota, the governor, and the State Attorney General, as well as the Cities and the Counties of his State to stand up and take note of his accomplishments, causing them to willfully violate their own State Constitution by turning the entire State Capital into a campaign office, which was not only a violation of their Constitution, but also a criminal violation of their own statutes, which imposed a criminal jail sentence for those found guilty. The problem way, since the entire State was involve in this criminal violation, there was no one innocent, and outside the conspiracy,  to prosecute the criminals, which was all of them!

Not only was the government guilty of violating their own criminal statutes, but they welcome into the pool the bankers, the oil companies, and the insurance industry. Bill caused an all out warm, more or less, single-handedly. Just imagine if he had the help and aid of the patriot community behind him? Would we have won? Perhaps not, but we sure could have sent a clear and open message. Instead, we sent a clear message that you dare not mess with the system!

No war is won with the dropping of the first bomb. It takes repeated endurance, again and again and again! We only have to take one state, and we have won our country. Our opponents have to make sure we can never win anywhere, as they know it will spell their doom!

Now I wish to address the prospects of winning since the question is raised below,
"So, suppose we win and have in place the Pure People's Bureaucracy. Who will be in charge of currency, coinage, and responsibility for payment?"  Should we win, we still will not be on easy street! Even after a win, we are going to experience the repercussions of years and years of fraud. There will be a great ball of knarreled yarn to unravel. As to the question, "Who will be in charge of currency," I propose we follow the dictates of our Constitution, namely, that Congress shall coin money and regulate the value thereof," which currently is 4122.5 grains of silver, troy weight pursuant to the U.S. Coinage Act of 1792.

How marvelous that I, Ron Branson, have thought of just enforcing our existing Constitution! Whatever happened to the saying, "We have but only begun to fight?" Okay, okay, I shall go back to my computer and see how Ron Branson's suggestion is pulled apart and another plan instituted in its place as has been practiced for the last sixteen years. What does Ron Branson know, anyway about saving our country. He is just an egotistic idiot!

Ron Branson

-------- Original Message --------
So, you need an articulate spokesperson, such as Rush Limbaugh. 
Have you spoken on the air with Limbaugh?  Might that not be the best way to teach the masses in a hurry?
Would he let you complete your thoughts?
What about inviting him to be a guest.  Keith and Ron and you, Arnie, could interview him and discover how much he knows, filling in some details along the way.
Maybe something along those lines would be most efficient in moving things along and finding enough people to do all the work.  Don't forget Paul Guthrie and Paul Vallely.  So, you have some great guests (Terry Lakin ... ), all of whose names I can not list.  But you could even hold roundtable discussions and have other hosts guest-host events; Sean Hannity comes to mind.
So, suppose we win and have in place the Pure People's Bureaucracy. 
Who will be in charge of currency, coinage, and responsibility for payment?  How shall we come to grips with our debts, for instance those to China?  And how shall we prevent the new order from quickly becoming just as corrupt as the last?  How do we re-order the world's society, and who put me in charge of all this, anyway?  Oh, yeah, the Founding Fathers.  So, you're in charge, I'm in charge, and all responsible U.S. Citizens are in charge, so nobody's in charge, because everybody else will do it, that's what we're paying them to do.  What, they are not doing our business?  Fire them!  Now what?

Just some thoughts.


J.A.I.L. (Judicial Accountability Initiative Law)
Declaration of Independence  "...with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

Ron Branson
P.O. Box 207,
North Hollywood, CA 91603

J.A.I.L. is a unique addition to our Constitution heretofore unrealized.
JAIL is powerful! JAIL is dynamic! JAIL is America's ONLY hope!

Group sign on:

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to
our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation.  - Declaration of Independence
" does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.."  - Samuel Adams
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is
striking at the root."   -- Henry David Thoreau                     ><)))'>