[Victims of Court Corruption] Most Parking Meters Are Illegal
Mike Lerman, I have a great idea. Just for the sake of publicity, perhaps shop owners and businesses could bring a class action suit together demanding return of all the millions collected on their properties for the last year from those parking meters. Think of the hullabaloo this would cause!
They should challenge the city to produce their evidence that they are the taxpayer and legal owner of title to the plot on which those meters stand, and then compel them to reveal just how much money they have gathered from these owner's property, and for the return of such sum for selling parking places on their property. I think we have clearly a Forth Amendment case here.
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FFT Mike wrote if municipalities would get out of the praetor economic extraction business and go into the how can I serve you with honest beneficial public service business they would have an abundance of revenue and their would be no need for income or property taxes to make their budgets i can think of hundreds of great ways they can make this transition
--- On Thu, 12/6/12, Ron Branson <VictoryUSA@JAIL4Judges.org> wrote:
From: Ron Branson <VictoryUSA@JAIL4Judges.org>
Subject: Most Parking Meters Are Illegal
To: VictoryUSA@JAIL4Judges.org
Date: Thursday, December 6, 2012, 10:39 PM
Most Parking Meters are illegal and also bad for business and the economy.
How are parking meters illegal. Property owners are on record as owning their property from the back of the plot all the way forward to the middle of the street, and that is what their property tax pays for. Every Surveyor will verify this, as well as the County Assessor. Along with this title of ownership is a designated easement. Generally, there are two easements upon each plot. Along the back of the property is an utility easement wherein telephone poles, electricity and telephone lines flow.
Utilities may enter upon the property for the purpose of maintenance and care, however, they may not set up some other revenue venture business upon the owners property. For instance, they may not open a retail business of selling filtered water.
On the front of most every lot is an easement for public passage of automobiles, and sidewalks for pedestrian traffic. On this easement, the public may freely pass, but may not stop and set up a lemonade stand and market lemonade to the passer's by.
Essentially, what the city is doing by setting up parking meters along the streets is trespassing on the private property of another who has paid the property taxes for this footage, and setting up a business for the purpose of making money. We would think it outrageous if the property owners set up their own parking meters along their property line, and charged everyone for parking on their property. If we think this outrageous, then how about someone else who does not even own the property setting up meters and charging the public to park in front of someone else's property.
Dare I challenge the city to show proof of ownership on the title to the property upon which they place their parking meters? I do not believe they would be be able to produce proof that they are the annual property taxpayer upon the tax rolls for that property.
My second point is, parking meters are bad for business and the economy. In the City of San Jose, California, the business owners compelled the city to remove parking meters as it was inhibiting their business. What they found was that when the patrons could do business elsewhere without the meters, they chose to take their business elsewhere. This created an unfair advantage of the businesses without parking meters over those with parking meters.
This argument is logical to understand, as even I find myself abandoning business when I can go elsewhere and get the same goods and services without feeding a parking meter. And which one of us loves feeding parking meters? The City of Downtown Los Angeles is a prime example of what I am saying. It is unable to be self-supporting, and requires the revenue from places such at the San Fernando Valley, which pays two dollars in tax to downtown, and only receive one dollar of benefits in return.