Monday, March 26, 2012

[Victims of Court Corruption] Judges Are Adjudicating Things According To Law!

Re: U.S. Supreme Court Brief: Is Fraud a Way of Life in Our American

Posted by: "Corey Eib"   coreyeib

Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:26 pm (PDT)

Recently I have come to have
a new respect for the judicial branch.

"In my experience they are adjudicating things according to law."


I used to be just as confused, until I came to realize a couple of facts;

Things changed a lot after the south walked out at the beginning of the
civil war.

The birth certificate (actual copy with the wet ink signature) is property
of the government.

The Constitution does not apply in the ten square miles of DC.

Common law is the Supreme Law of the land.

With my new view, it becomes clear the question I asked is possible, so to
answer your question of where are we? When things get strange we are in the federal zone, legally speaking.

Learning where you are, both legally and physically is incredibly important
to any success, recently I have come to have a new respect for the judicial branch. In my experience they are adjudicating things according to law, unfortunately people are not clear as to how the federal zone works.

For example, look up California Commercial Code 9307 (h), with in mind that every leo is limited to the jurisdiction of the United States.

We are of like mind, however I think you might do well to learn why the
above citation is so important.

On Mar 25, 2012 4:57 PM, "" <
> wrote:

  *   *   *

    Dear Corey:

    You ask a speculative question, "What if it was constitutional     to convict anyone for anything without them being in court our     even notified?" I am not sure I understand your question,             seeing as there is no way such action can be Constitutional.         The question presented within my litigation is, "Where are we,     if the laws and the rules governing our Country do not apply?"     We cannot even play baseball, or football without application     of established and agreed upon rules.

    I once illustrated this with a fictitious game of Tennis. Upon         being served the tennis ball, the opposing player quickly drops     the tennis racket and grabs a baseball bat and hits the Tennis         ball outside the stadium, and the Empire jumps to his feet,             announcing, "We have a touchdown, ladies and gentlemen!" as     all the People shout for joy and the scorekeeper adds
    another home run to the scoreboard. This correctly portrays         our illustrious honorable judges in America.

    Ron Branson

[Victims of Court Corruption] Evidence of Innocence: The Case of Michael Morton - 25 Yrs in Prison for a Crime he didn't do! 60 Minutes;currentVideoInfo

60 Minutes
March 25, 2012

Evidence of Innocence: The case of Michael Morton

"I did not do this," Michael Morton said as he was led away in handcuffs, convicted of murdering his wife in 1987. Hardly anyone believed him. Now, after twenty five years in prison, Morton has been proven right and freed based on DNA tests. Morton and his lawyers say they recently discovered something astonishing: sitting in his prosecutor's file all those years was evidence that could have established Morton's innocence during his trial. Lara Logan reports.


                                                                                                Tuesday 13 March 2012
To Whom It May Concern:
     On 11 January 1988, a well-known manhatttan drug dealer for many decades celebrated her 50th birthday while her best known enemy was sentenced to 25 years of absolute custody. Detective Ronald Hoffman # 844 did, on 9 October 1984, arrest a former new york city police officer (Frederick Alexander Jones # 2492) upon extraordinarily flagrantly false evidence. Indeed, for an extremely shocking and brutal beating with a large metal object, subsequent hospitalization and an enormous number of x-rays had very plainly resulted in  "FINAL DIAGNOSIS : NO TRAUMA". The alleged victim had clearly been given countless tests, during a six day period.
     The arrest was very irrefutably false. The entire case had been based upon the most flagrant lies, and became increasingly outrageous. Moreover, when the White victim gave her critical sworn testimony under oath and during a jury trial, the first part irrefutably and very directly contradicted every material statement of the inculpatory second part of her sworn testimony. Very obviously, it could not be used as evidence. Nevertheless, this vindicating testimony was never recorded. It was suppressed. Moreover, so many flagrant human rights violations occurred at trial. There was no contemporaneous public scrutiny, as the fundamental right to a public trial was qualified out of existance.
     This case (Indictment 6804.84, New York County) was, also, one that demonstrated very glaringly flagrant willful deprivations of federal and state constitutional violations that included the grossly ineffective assistances of trial counsel.
     Frederick Alexander Jones was the defendant and a Black man who was treated to the dastardly corruptions and racist attitudes of law enforcement and court officers.
     For the forgoing reasons (and others), this case had been extremely difficult to investigate. Therefore, please, allow Jones to request appropriate investigations, as the criminal civil rights laws (e.g. 18 USC 242, etc.) have been in shameless disuse for many decades.
     One may start with the White "victim" Gloria Rivera (currently Gloria Revelli, 201 West 89th Street, Apt. 2C, New York, N.Y. 10024). The medical records appear available, also.


Sincerely yours,
Frederick Alexander Jones
315 West 61st Street, Apartment 11-O
New York, New York 10023
1-646-570-2228 (cell phone)
E-mail address:
E-mail address:

[Victims of Court Corruption] The Initiative Process, Why So High?

The Initiative Process, Why So High?

Rashid, you have asked me why the the price for getting a Constitutional Initiative on the ballot in California is so high. It used to be about $1.2 million, but since the Legislature pretty much captured the entire Initiative market using our own tax dollars, we find ourselves competing with our own tax dollars.

Suppose the People among ourselves had the entire Oaks Market competitively locked up. But then the government entered into the Oats Market by proposing and collecting an Oat Farmer's Tax. With that Oats Farmer's Tax, they captured 2/3rds of the Oat Market Industry. What would be the effect? All Oat Farmers would have to raise the prices on their Oats to over twice what it used to be.

I have pointed out that for government to use the People's  exclusive constitutionally protected Initiative Process, is not only unfair, but very unconstitutional. Art. II, Sec. 1 of the California Constitution, which is the Initiative Provision, states, "All political power is inherent in the people. ...they have the right to alter or reform [government] when the public good may require." 

So, if ALL political power is inherent in the People, how much is inherent in government? The Initiative Process is exclusively preserved for the People to alter or reform their government, not for government to reform the People. Horses are for horseback riders, not peopleback riders for horses to ride.

Have you ever noticed that in excess of 2/3rds of all Initiatives placed on the ballot are placed there by our government, using our tax dollars, seeking to reform us? Where do they get this power? Certainly not from the Initiative Process.

If 2/3rds of the Initiatives are placed on the ballot by our own tax dollars, we, the other 1/3rd remaining, are competing with ourselves in the other 2/3rds market, running the price tag to over twice what passing an Initiative would otherwise cost the People.

If you think about it, all powers in the hands of the People, have been taken over by government. The Constitution recognizes our right to keep and bear arms. Government says, "Yes, but we will dictate to you how many, when, and where you can exercise that right. And by the way, you must surrender all the information we ask, so we may keep track of how you exercise that right."

Grand Juries are the Power of the People against an arbitrary government. But who manages the Grand Jury? Sorry to say, but the People have surrendered the power of the Grand Jury to the government. The judges select the Grand Jurors. The Prosecution advises the Grand Jury, and the legislators have mandated that Grand Jurors are precluded from investigating judges. Instead, the powers of the People in the Grand Jury, has been transferred to judicial commissions under the influence and authority of judges.

We recognized our own power in creating the Initiative Process within our Constitution so we can alter and reform our government for our benefit. But, then we have allowed the government to sweet talk us out of that exclusive power to allow them to take over our Initiative Process, and drive the prices up so that we, the People, can no longer afford the Initiative Process to initiative change. In other words, we, the People, willingly are financing a government of the government, by the government, and for the government, and if we, the People, do not approve, we, the People, must have the government's permission, to alter that.

We have allowed the horses to convince us that we must carry them on our backs to wherever they want us to go. The People are their own worst enemy, as Pogo once stated, "We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Now, as to your question, where can you find the professional Initiative companies? I suggest you do a search engine on the Internet for California Initiative Signature Gatherers.

Ron Branson

P.S. - Monkeys are not a smart as men, as evidenced by the fact that People have learned how to blow their brains out. Monkeys are not so smart, as they have not yet attained unto this intelligence as yet.

rashidemail wrote:

Hi Ron



Thanks for responding



How do I get in touch with the organizations, and why is the price so high. I thought about 1 million would needed to be raise.





From: Ron Branson []
Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2012 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: initiative

The last I checked, I was given a price of 2.1 million dollars for the complete service to get an State Constitutional Amendment on the California ballot. There are approximately four competitive organization here in CA. willing to accept a contract agreement with you.

Ron Branson