Sunday, August 05, 2012

[Victims of Court Corruption] Fwd: Re: Despairing Situation - So what are we going to do about it?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Despairing Situation - So what are we going to do about it?
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2012 14:16:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: Stan Antlocer <>
To: Ron Branson <>

Hi Ron,
Stan Antlocer here. First of all the notion that judges have judicial immunity is not true. See these cases and law that forbid it:


Ron's note: No cases or laws were provided or attached. Perhaps Stan forgot to attach them.

From: Ron Branson <>
To: Jacob <>
Sent: Sun, August 5, 2012 8:58:49 AM
Subject: Despairing Situation - So what are we going to do about it?

Jacob Roginski, we have share the same speaking podium together. Have you ever given much serious thought about JAIL4Judges as the only means of getting out of this mess? There is no other way than setting up an Independent Special Grand Jury of the common People who uniquely determine if any judge should enjoy the protections of judicial immunity for their wayward actions, i.e., paragraph 2 of the J.A.I.L. Initiative,
"Notwithstanding common law or any other provision to the contrary, no immunities shielding a judge from frivolous and harassing actions shall be construed to extend to any deliberate violation of law, fraud or conspiracy, intentional violation of due process of law, deliberate disregard of material allegations, judicial acts without jurisdiction, blocking of a lawful conclusion of a case, or any deliberate violation of the Constitutions of California or the United States."

Ron Branson

Jacob wrote:

We must seek unity, break out of the molds the elites have squeezed us in, stop blaming each other for the condition of the country,  and open our minds to at last an honest and thoughtful examination of where we are, how we got here, and what must be done for change.  When the government is failing us so fundamentally, when the ruling class propaganda no longer sounds credible even to the least politically discerning among us, it is time to re-examine from ground up the truth and soundness of our notions about the nature and history of government in the United States.  Until we understand the Problem, no solutions will be in our sight. 

I hear with dismay folks blaming other folks for our situation, repeating the propaganda of the elite media and political machinery, whose purpose is as it has always been to keep us from focusing on the inherently criminal ruling class.  If the sole cause of our problem really is those people who like to get free things from government, we might as well quit, as all but perhaps one in a million among us are married for life to this sin; bucking Nature is always in vain.  If, on the other hand, one of the principal causes is a system that allows this sin a field of action, we may be able to do something about it.

Only if we manage the daunting task of clearing our view of the myriad of misconceptions the elites have erected in us to obstruct it, will we be in a position to rebuild the culture and practice of liberty and prosperity in this land.

Jacob Roginsky

On 8/3/2012 10:09 AM, Robert Sindelar wrote:

Dear Jacob,
Your comments below re: ruling vs. masses are absolutely correct. Practicality went out when rulers assembled and were grown to become tyrants over all others. We have come to that point in time Sir.
So, What are we going to do about it?
Many good men have tried, many good men sit in prisons across our land and off shore. They sit there only because the masses chickened out of holding up there responsibility to a JUST Cause.
What do you think friend?

[Victims of Court Corruption] Despairing Situation - So what are we going to do about it?

Zena, I am seeking the same type of support as sought by our Founding Fathers in the establishment of this nation when they said, "[W]ith a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, or fortunes and our sacred honor." I suppose the answer to your question would be based upon one's view as to whether they were anarchists or lent sympathetic ears to their plight by working within prescribed channels.


Zena Crenshaw wrote:
I don't say this to be critical, but Jail4Judges reflects such an exclusion of institutional support from government that it seems only anarchists or near anarchists could consider its execution manageable.  Are anarchists and near anarchists your intended base of support?

Do you recognize the conflict in any of us despairing about the corruption of America's legal system and judiciary while feeling little to no need to rally in support of private lawyers, prosecutors, and judges who are terminated and/or suspended or disbarred from their profession for challenging judicial misconduct or corruption?

Though corresponding whistleblower protection is only an aspect of my legal/judicial reform advocacy, some and perhaps many people brand me as more sympathetic to the plight of legal professionals than other legal abuse victims as a result.  What they're more so detecting is that I work through prescribed public service programs and don't jump indiscriminately from one reform effort to another.  

Ron and Jacob, I encourage both of you to respond to my questions and comments above.

Thank you,


On Sun, Aug 5, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Ron Branson <> wrote:

Jacob Roginski, we have share the same speaking podium together. Have you ever given much serious thought about JAIL4Judges as the only means of getting out of this mess? There is no other way than setting up an Independent Special Grand Jury of the common People who uniquely determine if any judge should enjoy the protections of judicial immunity for their wayward actions, i.e., paragraph 2 of the J.A.I.L. Initiative,
"Notwithstanding common law or any other provision to the contrary, no immunities shielding a judge from frivolous and harassing actions shall be construed to extend to any deliberate violation of law, fraud or conspiracy, intentional violation of due process of law, deliberate disregard of material allegations, judicial acts without jurisdiction, blocking of a lawful conclusion of a case, or any deliberate violation of the Constitutions of California or the United States."

Ron Branson

Jacob wrote:

We must seek unity, break out of the molds the elites have squeezed us in, stop blaming each other for the condition of the country,  and open our minds to at last an honest and thoughtful examination of where we are, how we got here, and what must be done for change.  When the government is failing us so fundamentally, when the ruling class propaganda no longer sounds credible even to the least politically discerning among us, it is time to re-examine from ground up the truth and soundness of our notions about the nature and history of government in the United States.  Until we understand the Problem, no solutions will be in our sight. 

I hear with dismay folks blaming other folks for our situation, repeating the propaganda of the elite media and political machinery, whose purpose is as it has always been to keep us from focusing on the inherently criminal ruling class.  If the sole cause of our problem really is those people who like to get free things from government, we might as well quit, as all but perhaps one in a million among us are married for life to this sin; bucking Nature is always in vain.  If, on the other hand, one of the principal causes is a system that allows this sin a field of action, we may be able to do something about it.

Only if we manage the daunting task of clearing our view of the myriad of misconceptions the elites have erected in us to obstruct it, will we be in a position to rebuild the culture and practice of liberty and prosperity in this land.

Jacob Roginsky

On 8/3/2012 10:09 AM, Robert Sindelar wrote:
Dear Jacob,
Your comments below re: ruling vs. masses are absolutely correct. Practicality went out when rulers assembled and were grown to become tyrants over all others. We have come to that point in time Sir.
So, What are we going to do about it?
Many good men have tried, many good men sit in prisons across our land and off shore. They sit there only because the masses chickened out of holding up there responsibility to a JUST Cause.
What do you think friend?

[Victims of Court Corruption] Despairing Situation - So what are we going to do about it?

Jacob Roginski, we have share the same speaking podium together. Have you ever given much serious thought about JAIL4Judges as the only means of getting out of this mess? There is no other way than setting up an Independent Special Grand Jury of the common People who uniquely determine if any judge should enjoy the protections of judicial immunity for their wayward actions, i.e., paragraph 2 of the J.A.I.L. Initiative,
"Notwithstanding common law or any other provision to the contrary, no immunities shielding a judge from frivolous and harassing actions shall be construed to extend to any deliberate violation of law, fraud or conspiracy, intentional violation of due process of law, deliberate disregard of material allegations, judicial acts without jurisdiction, blocking of a lawful conclusion of a case, or any deliberate violation of the Constitutions of California or the United States."

Ron Branson

Jacob wrote:

We must seek unity, break out of the molds the elites have squeezed us in, stop blaming each other for the condition of the country,  and open our minds to at last an honest and thoughtful examination of where we are, how we got here, and what must be done for change.  When the government is failing us so fundamentally, when the ruling class propaganda no longer sounds credible even to the least politically discerning among us, it is time to re-examine from ground up the truth and soundness of our notions about the nature and history of government in the United States.  Until we understand the Problem, no solutions will be in our sight. 

I hear with dismay folks blaming other folks for our situation, repeating the propaganda of the elite media and political machinery, whose purpose is as it has always been to keep us from focusing on the inherently criminal ruling class.  If the sole cause of our problem really is those people who like to get free things from government, we might as well quit, as all but perhaps one in a million among us are married for life to this sin; bucking Nature is always in vain.  If, on the other hand, one of the principal causes is a system that allows this sin a field of action, we may be able to do something about it.

Only if we manage the daunting task of clearing our view of the myriad of misconceptions the elites have erected in us to obstruct it, will we be in a position to rebuild the culture and practice of liberty and prosperity in this land.

Jacob Roginsky

On 8/3/2012 10:09 AM, Robert Sindelar wrote:

Dear Jacob,
Your comments below re: ruling vs. masses are absolutely correct. Practicality went out when rulers assembled and were grown to become tyrants over all others. We have come to that point in time Sir.
So, What are we going to do about it?
Many good men have tried, many good men sit in prisons across our land and off shore. They sit there only because the masses chickened out of holding up there responsibility to a JUST Cause.
What do you think friend?

[Victims of Court Corruption] Re: Is the California State Bar a Corporation?

Is the California State Bar a Corporation?

Gary, as I previously pointed out, I personally heard the Secretary of the California State Bar Association say over the phone with a friend of mine named Lee, that the the California State Bar has not been a corporation since 1948. I expected that someone would do some research out there, and according to the research information below, perhaps we could incorporate as "The State Bar of California." Wouldn't that raise some eyebrows and get attention?

Oh, yes, and then it occurred to me that we could then sue for full rights to Bar Membership dues which we are being defrauded of by some entity that is posing itself as the California State Bar operating under our incorporated name. But we better hurry before someone beats us to the idea!

On occasion I admit to having some sinister thoughts. Gee, maybe I do have a lower human nature along with my humor after all.

Ron Branson

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Lawsters:12571] Re: Is the California State Bar a Corporation?
Date: Sat, 04 Aug 2012 14:49:35 +0300
From: joseph zernik <>
To: <>

Mr Henschel:
It looks like one could still apply for the position with the corporation named: GOLDEN STATE BAR & GRILL, INC.GREG KIM

At 07:50 AM 8/4/2012, you wrote:
Here is the information from the California Secretary of State portal.
It is indeed not surprising that the California Bar would provide false information in its advertisement...

Business Search - Results

Data is updated weekly and is current as of Friday, July 27, 2012. It is not a complete or certified record of the entity.
  • Select an entity name below to view additional information. Results are listed alphabetically in ascending order by entity name.
  • For information on checking or reserving a name, refer to Name Availability.
  • For information on ordering certificates, copies of documents and/or status reports or to request a more extensive search, refer to Information Requests.
  • For help with searching an entity name, refer to Search Tips.
  • For descriptions of the various fields and status types, refer to Field Descriptions and Status Definitions.

Results of search for " THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA " returned 7 entity records.
Entity NumberDate FiledStatusEntity NameAgent for Service of Process
  • C0033212         05/18/1901       INACTIVE         CALIFORNIA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION
  • C0017482         05/18/1901       TERM EXPIRED    CALIFORNIA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION
  • C3309474         07/20/2010       ACTIVE            GOLDEN STATE BAR & GRILL, INC.GREG KIM
  • C2107072         04/24/1998       FORFEITED        GOLDEN STATE BAR GRINDING INC.BRUCE HOBSON

Modify Search New Search 

At 04:33 PM 7/28/2012, you wrote:
Is The California State Bar a Corporation?

Brad, allow me to make a correction to your words below, i.e., "The State Bar is a public corporation in the judicial branch of state government." Such statement is incorrect. I personally was on the phone with a gentleman named Lee, in a conference call to with the California Bar Association. When questioned by Lee, I heard with my own ears the secretary of the California State Bar state that it has not been a corporation since 1949.

Can we rely upon their own testimony when they themselves state that they are not a California Corporation? Perhaps a search of the existing list of California corporations is in order. I just know personally what they themselves said.

Ron Branson