Friday, September 14, 2012

[Victims of Court Corruption] Government Cover-Up - by Warren Yates

Dear Freedom House:


We, my client and I, are facing grievous political prosecution for exposing corruption that ends at Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s front door.  ALL of the allegations below are factual and there is audio tape, video tape and documented proof of all of the allegations that are being ignored due to Panetta’s involvement.  Please take the short time to read the below and see if you can help get this story out.   Thank you.


I am a licensed private investigator in California and was hired by the Merced County Public Defender’s Office at my client, Mr. Gene Forte's insistence to investigate the fabricated and false charges against him. I began my investigation and because my investigation so far has shown that the police report is rife with lies and false allegations, I have subsequently been taken off the case because I reported the true facts which show the corruption.


The corruption began in Monterey County, CA and is now Merced County. The problem is that the corruption began in Monterey County and involves Leon Panetta who is from Monterey County. Because of Leon Panetta being involved, my client and I have been silenced in trying to get this case into public view.


My client Mr. Gene Forte has been viciously assaulted both physically and financially in an attempt, successfully up to this point, silence him from making law abiding citizens aware of how corrupt government officials can violate their constitutional rights and deny them due process of law.


I have written to 84+ newspapers across the US. I have sent letters to Geraldo Rivera, Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones and all of the talk shows asking them to investigate the recordings, court documents, video recordings and blatant lies by law enforcement officials in administrative positions. The only response I received was from Sarah Ganim, a Pulitzer Prize winning reporter from the Patriot-News in Harrisburg, PA. She asked for some proof and we sent her 11 files, showing her the proof she requested. She has never responded to me.  Sadly, she joined the rest of the “sheeple” who are afraid to expose the corruption.


I have been making blanket appeals for someone, somewhere with enough fearless integrity to just examine the files to show their veracity. Mr. Forte is also a publisher of the Badger Flats Gazette in Los Banos, CA. .


In the Merced County crime reports I have found 16 different discrepancies, that are either lies or the fact that they were not able to orchestrate their statements to appear consistent. It’s easy to remember the truth but hard to remember lies.  And as I was finding more discrepancies, Merced County Public Defender Eric Dumars advised my client that I “could not be trusted” and could no longer continue to investigate. The reason is that I would not go along with their “railroading” of Mr. Forte to silence him.


I found a blatant lie that a deputy sheriff put in his report and we have video tape proof that he lied to make Mr. Forte look like he was resisting arrest. The deputy forgot that there was an outside video camera at the courthouse that substantiates that the deputy lied.


 I took my findings to the Merced County District Attorney’s Office in person demanding that they remove the deputy and file felony false report charges against him. If he lied in this report he has certainly lied in many other reports to instigate false charges.  The district attorney has refused to take any action and has never contacted me.  I might add at this point that the DA, Larry Morse, was a defendant in a lawsuit filed by Mr. Forte and has admitted publicly that he should not investigate or prosecute Mr. Forte’s case due to the conflict but he is ignoring the conflict and breaking the law and ethics.


With no acknowledgment from the district attorney, I then sent my report and video to the California Attorney General’s Office. They sent it back two days later and told me to go to Merced County if I had a problem there and to report it to them.  Of course, they refuse to even acknowledge my report of criminal conduct by a deputy sheriff.


My frustration level is peaking. I spent 27 years in law enforcement and have never seen the level of corruption and cover-up as in Mr. Forte’s case. Corruption abounds In Merced County and the department of defense without fear of anyone being held accountable.  This abuse of lawful authority and constitutional rights is tantamount to an insidious deadly disease attacking the Bill of Rights and placing citizens under the thumb of grievous oppression by our own government.


Mr. Forte is not a demented habitual complainer nor am I.  On the contrary, Mr. Forte is a very learned man. He has in fact, all of the unfettered, unadulterated clear and convincing evidence to expose their corruption.  I am merely a private investigator seeking justice, to try to let me feel once again that we can trust law enforcement.  Right now this is a very dark day for ethical law enforcement, government and the right of citizens to feel secure from despotic, repressive and cruel treatment with no accountability.


The Sacramento and Fresno offices of the FBI will not return our calls. Mr. Forte has an audio recording of two FBI agents in the Fresno Office stating that Mr. Forte's case has been flagged with the notation from US Attorney Ben Wagner, to refuse to investigate Mr. Forte's case of law enforcement criminal conduct and unashamed conflicts of interest.


Mr. Forte has an audio recording of Agent Barranti, of the U.S. Inspector General’s Office in San Francisco, asking why his case is not being investigated. Barranti is says that they are not going to investigate Mr. Forte’s case and not to bother him anymore stating "I am done with it, I am done with it". He then hung up the phone in Mr. Forte's face.  Government oppression, subjugation and tyranny involving city, county, state and federal levels rearing its ugly head against its citizens.  Shameful.


I have been imploring anyone out there, who reads this, to stand up for the rights of citizens while covering a story that has national implications. The corruption ends at Leon Panetta’s doorstep. This expose would of course embarrass the obama administration and hamper his re-election efforts. This is why they are trying to silence us. If this tyrannical oppressive conduct can happen to Mr. Forte, it can happen to you or one of your families. It is time to put a stop to this egregious and illegal conduct condoned by governmental law enforcement officials.


I know that you are extremely busy and if you cannot help to right this terrible wrong, I am only asking that if you know of someone, anyone, you could forward this email to that might be able to help get our story exposed, you would do so. I would sincerely appreciate any help you could extend.


Please feel free to contact either myself or Gene Forte, to let us provide the proof to you that will fully substantiate the corruption and cover ups, and allow exposure and hopefully the end of this dictatorial and totalitarian illegal conduct.


Very sincerely


Warren Yates

Contact:  Warren Yates  (209) 572-4599

                 Gene Forte      (209) 894-5040



[Victims of Court Corruption] Judges are not above the law: verified by court cases!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Judges are not above the law: verified by court cases!
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 07:57:39 -0400 (EDT)

Excellent point.
Before I ever heard of JAIL, I filed a lawsuit against a judge. Not just any judge, but a state supreme court judge. This judge, of course, claimed "immunity."
The U.S. District Court agreed. He has "absolute immunity," they said. The Second Circuit court agreed.
So I took the case to the US Supreme Court. The first question I posed was this: "Is a judge above the law?"
And do you know what their answer was? They refused to answer. Appeal "DENIED."
In other words, they refused to answer a simple question: "Is a judge above the law."
Now Patrick Leahy, my Senator, said this: "No one is above the law."
Note, he did not say, no one is above the law except for judges. he said "no one."
So who is right? Patrick Leahy, a U.S. Senator and former prosecutor who said "no one is above the law," or the District Court, Second Circuit Court and Supreme Court judges, who say that judges are above the law?
They can't both be right. One has to be wrong.
Either a judge is above the law or he is not.
We sometimes forget, they work for us. These are government employees, and they work for us. We are not here to line their pockets. They work for us.
In my case, I sued a judge because, he awarded my stolen property to a thief. In my case, $23,000 of my money was wired out of state without my consent. I have the bank records to prove it. This is documented by bank records. The ownership of these bank accounts is verified in two contracts.
This was not the only thing this judge did. He allowed a huge lien to be created on my property. This lien was literally created out of thin air using a bogus appraisal. The "appraiser" did an appraisal by driving by my driveway. This fact is in the transcript. He ignored real appraisals. he conducted the trial so they could not even be put into evidence. The lien was used to steal my real estate, and to cause me extreme distress.
It became clear to me that the judge did not even write the judgment order. The lawyer prepared it, and the judge robo-signed it. In essence, the judge gave the lawyer a license to steal.
One may wonder why a state supreme court judge was assigned to a divorce case? It just seems odd. That is until you discover the lawyer's wife was presiding judge in the divorce court. How convenient.
And towards the end of my lawsuit against the judge, I received notice that I was "under investigation" by the state medical board. In fact, the notice I received was dated exactly 7 days before my lawsuit was dismissed by the US Supreme Court.
Of course, one may find it strange that one of the witnesses called by the Vermont prosecutor was none other than the lawyer who was the beneficiaries of the judges "gift." Why would a divorce lawyer be present at such a hearing? Of course, I was not even there to defend myself. That did not seem to concern anyone.
So the judge bankrupted me and then they put me out of business. And his only response to my lawsuit was "I'm immune, you can't touch me."
Three more curious thing about my case. First, when I sued the judge, he was represented by a law firm who now has one of their senior partners in the U.S. House of Representatives. How convenient. Second, the Attorney general I complained to, who refused to meet with me, was appointed by a guy who would later run for president, and for a short time, was the front runner before an unfortunate TV moment. Third, at my medical board trial, the only item of actual "evidence" was a now discredited document created by a hospital where the judge's wife was on the board of directors. The document was created the same month my lawsuit against the judge was dismissed. Once again, how convenient.
Judicial immunity not only harms the public, but allows judges to operate money laundering schemes under our noses. Judges have the power to steal our money, or to manipulate trials so that friends of theirs profit.  And we let them get away with this? Any claim of "judicial immunity" should be met with charges of obstruction of justice. Any person who has a claim of judicial misconduct should have a direct access to the grand jury, and the grand jury should thoroughly investigate. Any lawyer or prosecutor who blocks such access should also be charged with obstruction of justice. I have always wanted to access the grand jury to show them my evidence. In this state, the prosecutors have put up barriers so that the grand jury is basically inaccessible. There should be an open door policy.
Lawrence Agee
In a message dated 9/14/2012 12:12:57 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Judges are not above the law

Did you know that Judges are NOT above the law?

"At least in California, we have found that grand jurors have often been repeatedly told by their county counsel and district attorney that, as grand jurors, they have “no jurisdiction over judges”, or “no power to investigate, accuse or indict judges.”

This is a huge LIE. California Grand jurors, under Penal Code, Section 919(c), have a MANDATORY DUTY to investigate judges when they have been accused of corrupt misconduct while acting as a judge.

Moreover, the grand jurors have the lawful power under Government Code, Section 3060 to accuse any judge, which appears to the grand jury to have become corrupt in office. This way, the corrupt judge may be tried by a trial jury and removed from office upon conviction by the trial jury."

Gee, I was almost convinced by the judges that there was such a judicial doctrine as judicial immunity. I am relieve to know that there is no such thing. Now if I can only convince these judges that there is no such thing, I am home free. I have been suing judges on this issue for years and every judge I have encountered in my lawsuits against judges to date has said that I cannot sue one of their colleague because he is covered by judicial immunity.

So I guess we have no real problem as it is only our imagination. So we can go back to sleep now. Thanks for giving me renewed hope!

But I do have one question. Excuse my ignorance. The above dissertation tells me, "This way, the corrupt judge may be tried by a trial jury and removed from office upon conviction by the trial jury." My question is, who is going to preside over this "jury trial" of one of their fellow judge colleagues who also believes there is no such thing as judicial immunity? Since there are actually such judges, I am being informed, I am surprised that we have not conquered this bogus argument a long time ago. Why are we still arguing over this problem today when the answer is so clearly simple, i.e., "What Problem?"

Ron Branson

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Judges are not above the law: verifed by court cases!
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 17:26:32 +0000
From: Peymon <>
To: Ron Branson <>
CC: Gary Zerman <>, Larry Becraft <>, "Robert Bernhoft (" <>, Mac MacPherson <>, "'Scott MacPherson' (" <>, "Nathaniel K. MacPherson" <>, Joe Banister <>, "Jeff Dickstein (" <>, "" <>, "John Kotmair (" <>, John Green <>, Larry Becraft <>, David Wellington <>, Shawn <>, LawDr1 <>

Dear Ron,


It is precisely for the reason you expressed in your email below that I had previously (and in many other occasions over the years!) asked you to go to www.JuryPower.Org to read the few articles that address ignorance of grand jurors about their inherent power to indict corrupt judges and prosecutors.


I have written a well-cited article called “Judges are not above the law” that you can down load at  Please read this short article now and then read the rest of this email.


The two other articles of interest to you are:


<!--[if !supportLists]-->1)      <!--[endif]-->Grand Jury, the Key to Restoring Honest Government at and

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2)      <!--[endif]-->Grand Jury power to charge corrupt/criminal public officials is the solution to bringing honest government back to America:

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” –Thomas Jefferson


From: Ron Branson []
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 12:26 AM
To: Peymon
Subject: Re: Grand Jury Used as Part of Government Corruption Scandal


Peymon, I take it you also intend to inform the Grand Jurors that the judge-made Doctrine of Judicial Immunity is fallacious, and that no judge is immune from their Oath to Uphold and Defend the Constitution against all enemies, and hence, judges should be  indicted, tried, and hauled off to prison for their perpetrated acts of tyranny.


Peymon wrote:

True enough. Since that is the only job of the JAIL grand jury, it would be much more focused and much less distracted.


However, even in S. Dakota, a small state the herculean efforts of you and like minded people were defeated, due to the establishment ganging up on JAIL in the media with their money and through coordinated action of the various fascist elements of the system.


If we put that energy into the existing grand juries, we can get some Das of judges indicted. Get a couple of those going and soon you may have an avalanche on your hand.


Have you checked out what I have put on yet? It is not too much to read.


Peymon Mottahedeh, President of Freedom Law School | 760-868-4271


Freedom Law School is now available to you via Facebook, Twitter, our weekly Tuesday night conference call, and our brand new Freedom Blog! Call our weekly conference call at 712-432-3900 (access code: 460421) to talk directly with the President of Freedom Law School. The call starts at 6 PM Pacific Time. This is your call, and this call doesn’t end until all questions are answered.


Like Us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter, and read our blog for your latest Freedom news and information as well as unique posts straight from the President of Freedom Law School, Peymon Mottahedeh, himself!


“For evil to conquer, good men need to do nothing.” –Edmund Burke


“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” –Thomas Jefferson


From: Ron Branson []
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2012 3:08 PM
To: Peymon
Subject: Re: Grand Jury Used as Part of Government Corruption Scandal


Yes, it is potentially the same people, but within the JAIL Special Grand Jury they have only one sole responsibility, judicial accountability. While all Grand Juries have this inherent power, they are bamboozled by the myriad of supposed fronts other than judges. The Grand Jurors cannot be bamboozled when they have only one sole task.


Peymon wrote:

Hi Ron,


The JAIL gandjury is just as suseptable to ignorance, since it is made of of the same people that get on the regular grand juries.


Peymon Mottahedeh, President of Freedom Law School | 760-868-4271


Freedom Law School is now available to you via Facebook, Twitter, our weekly Tuesday night conference call, and our brand new Freedom Blog! Call our weekly conference call at 712-432-3900 (access code: 460421) to talk directly with the President of Freedom Law School. The call starts at 6 PM Pacific Time. This is your call, and this call doesn’t end until all questions are answered.


Like Us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter, and read our blog for your latest Freedom news and information as well as unique posts straight from the President of Freedom Law School, Peymon Mottahedeh, himself!


“For evil to conquer, good men need to do nothing.” –Edmund Burke


“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” –Thomas Jefferson


From: Ron Branson []
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2012 6:01 AM
To: Peymon
Subject: Re: Grand Jury Used as Part of Government Corruption Scandal


Peymon, educating the Public at Large, which is the potential Grand Jury Pool, is a lost cause. People still believe "We're from the government, we're here to help you." Assuming that 1/2 of the People are skeptical of government, we still have the other half to go. Most of them are going to vote from another round of Barack Obama. Give me more of them Socialist Benefits. What a bummer.


Peymon wrote:

Hi Ron,


The problem is the ignorance of the people who are on the grand juries, who do not know their own powers, therefore they allow themselves to become a tool of the government officials around them, including judges, county counsel and judges.


Solution is to educate the grand jurors about their powers so that they may act on them.


Peymon Mottahedeh, President of Freedom Law School | 760-868-4271


Freedom Law School is now available to you via Facebook, Twitter, our weekly Tuesday night conference call, and our brand new Freedom Blog! Call our weekly conference call at 712-432-3900 (access code: 460421) to talk directly with the President of Freedom Law School. The call starts at 6 PM Pacific Time. This is your call, and this call doesn’t end until all questions are answered.


Like Us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter, and read our blog for your latest Freedom news and information as well as unique posts straight from the President of Freedom Law School, Peymon Mottahedeh, himself!


“For evil to conquer, good men need to do nothing.” –Edmund Burke


“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” –Thomas Jefferson


From: Ron Branson []
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 3:01 PM
Cc: Commander Walter Fritzpatrick, U.S Navy +; John Albert Dummett ++; Jud Witham ++; Rod Class (Tenn) ++
Subject: Grand Jury Used as Part of Government Corruption Scandal



Grand Jury Used as Part of Government

Corruption Scandal

Appended hereto is an amazing video of the torture Lieutenant Commander Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III, was put through for exposing a con game from local government all the way through to the President of the United States.

His testimony demonstrates precisely the reason we must have an Independent Special Grand Juries in order to recover from our downward decent in America. Lt. Cdr Fitzpatrick filed a complaint with his local country Grand Jury about internal corruption within government, only to learn that the Foreperson on the County Grand Jury had, in practice, a permanent position of 20 years of steering the Grand Jury as part and parcel of corruption of the judges and the prosecutors, and conducted a his own Citizen's Arrest of the Foreman of the County Grand Jury, for fraud.

Knowing this potential with Grand Juries aforehand, I wrote the Judicial Accountability Initiative Law in 1995 with paragraphs that would not allow such conflicts to occur. These paragraphs are as follow; 

3. Special Grand Juries. For the purpose of returning power to the People and ensuring the integrity of the judiciary, there are hereby created within this State three twenty-five member Special Grand Juries with statewide jurisdiction having inherent power to judge both law and fact
. This body shall exist independent of statutes governing county Grand Juries....

4. Professional Counsel. Each Special Grand Jury shall have exclusive power to retain non-governmental advisors, special prosecutors, and investigators, as needed, who shall serve no longer than one year, and thereafter shall be ineligible to serve; except a special prosecutor may be retained to prosecute to conclusion ongoing cases through all appeals and any complaints to the Special Grand Jury....

5. Establishment of Special Grand Jury Facilities.
Within ninety days following the passage of this Amendment, the Legislature shall provide a suitable facility for each Special Grand Jury. Each facility shall be reasonably placed proportionately according to population throughout the State, but no facility shall be located within a mile of any judicial body. 14. Service of Jurors. Excluding the establishment of the initial Special Grand Juries, each Juror shall serve one year. No Juror shall serve more than once.

The below is the first in a series of videos over the next 2 or 3 weeks. Very interesting.;

Ron Branson