Wednesday, August 15, 2012

[Victims of Court Corruption] Despairing Situation - So what are we going to do about it?

Dear Representative Harry Accornero:

This is Ron Branson of JAIL4Judges. J.A.I.L. stands for "Judicial Accountability Initiative Law."  The below email has come to my attention, and I wish to be of any assistance that I can. Inasmuch as not all states have a People's Initiative Process in which the People may place in effect an end-run around unwilling legislators, I have also written the J.A.I.L Initiative as legislation. This any state may do, but the People will face an uphill battle with the very people they have elected to "represent" them.

My persuasion is "radical," but so is Truth! Truth demands there be a level playing field, but there are those who do not want to play on a level playing field.

I have a Judicial Accountability provision for all fifty states. The first place to start in dealing with legislation is for a representative to submit the proposed Bill for consideration, placing it before the appropriate committees. In all the years I have been pushing this since 1995 not one legislator has touched it.

Nonetheless, facts are facts. Unless, and until we have judicial accountability, no other legislation is going to prevail. The reason is because all laws absent the ability to enforce it are mere scarecrows.

Judges have made themselves immune from the Constitution and every other law through their self-made Doctrine of Judicial Immunity. They have instituted a doctrine that "Judges can do no wrong!" The only Entity above man's the law is God Himself, Who made all things. Under our supposed Rule of Law that governs our country, there can be no human being upon earth that can set himself above the law that governs his actions. Carved in stone are the words, "We are a Nation of Laws, and not of men." But the truth is, we have become a Nation of men, and not of laws.

It therefore, behooves us to take mandatory action, even if it be directly from the People themselves, to either pass laws or invoke the Initiative Process to enforce Judicial Accountability. When you are ready, I will send you the precise wording which I propose to be submitted to the legislature. I shall also make myself available to explain the need for each and every provision therein, and to debate with any who wish to debate the issue. Believe me, I know very well whereof I speak, and am instantly ready to debate on my feet the proposed Bill quite persuasively. Thank you, Harry.

Ron Branson
National J.A.I.L. Commander-In-Chief
(818) 310-8999

Arnold Rosner wrote:
Hi Harry,

Thanks for the update.  You can expect to hear from Mr. Branson as his time permits.

Arnie Rosner

On Aug 14, 2012, at 1:12 PM, Harry Accornero <> wrote:


As you know I am involved in a Primary. Once I make it pass that I have to get by the General Election. If I am successful I will get together with Rep. Dick Marple, and work with him to bring up legislation to address important matter. I would appreciate Mr. Branson input as to how to proceed.


On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Arnold Rosner <> wrote:
            Hi Harry,

As a rep in New Hampshire do you have anything you would care to add?  Mr. Branson here is the creator of some marvelous legislation that will guarantee a return of liberty.  Something you might wish to also support.

Feel free to discuss with Mr. Branson.. I think you will also be amazed at his logic and legal approach to provide us withy a remarkable solution..

[Victims of Court Corruption] Despairing Situation - So what are we going to do about it?

Kirk, I agree with you that nothing will be done until the rule of law prevails. However, the rule of law will never prevail so long as we have a judiciary that is free to violate that "rule of law" at whim, based upon their assertion that they are covered by judicial immunity, and do need not honor their Oaths of Office or the supreme law of the land.

In order to accomplish judicial accountability, we need JAIL4Judges, as enforced by you and me. How can we ascend higher than ourselves in that enforcement? If not us, then Who? If not Now, then When? Without us, enforcement of "The Rule of Law" are only words! We have found the enemy, and the enemy is us. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee." Hosea 4:6.

Ron Branson

Kirk Schwoebel wrote:
If I may chime in here, the situation with the US government in general today is, they put themselves above the US constitution, the law, and the people. What we have is a tyrannical form of government, it's no longer beneficial to this nation, or the people, and has in fact become harmful, and dangerous. It's sole purpose was to defend, and support the constitutional rights guaranteed by the people who drafted, ratified, and signed their names to them. It is a legal and binding contract, sworn to by those seeking political office in the US government.
This is where it all breaks down. Being the supreme law of the land, and, all laws being applied equally to all, as is required to secure the Blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, have not been. Government is for governing, not ruling. We have a fraud for a president. It's been proven beyond reasonable doubt. Congress, who are supposed to be representative of the people, aren't. The USDOJ who is supposed to be the backbone of law enforcement in the USA, isn't. It is in itself a criminal enterprise. Congress, who is tasked with investigating serious crimes perpetrated by government officials, don't. This blatant dereliction of duty renders congress a conspirator in this fraud against America. This being the case, we no longer have a representative form of government. What we have is a terrorist organization, a domestic enemy, a crime syndicate, ruling over the peasants of a once great nation. Not only a fraud, but a pathological liar, has become our dictator. Writing laws isn't the presidents job. Violating constitutional rights at will, committing felonies daily, assassinating American citizens, waging illegal wars worldwide, and being protected by a conspiring congress, isn't how the constitution reads. It is up to the people to abolish this tyrannical form of government, jail4judges is a wonderful idea, but the problem we face is much larger. The fact that jail4judges is even an issue, shows how much bigger the problem really is. Until the rule of law is reestablished,(example: Bradley Manning, Richard Fine, Anaheim police) laws are meaningless. I'm afraid it's time to water the tree of liberty.
Thank you for your time and consideration.


--- On Tue, 8/14/12, Ron Branson <> wrote:

From: Ron Branson <>
Subject: Despairing Situation - So what are we going to do about it?
Date: Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 1:54 AM

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Despairing Situation - So what are we going to do about it?
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2012 00:48:17 +0000
From: Dick Marple <>
To: Barbie Ron <>, <>

You are correct Ron...

New Hampshire does NOT permit the people to introduce an initiative petition. Our constitution prohibits such activity. I believe the controlling language in Mr. Kotmair's post is;

 "to include some elected officials, asking them to introduce it.  The State version was introduced in the New Hampshire Legislature, but did not reach the floor, being bottled up in committee" 

Without a LSR and Bill Number and Session date, there is no way to recover the Docket and action taken.

I am running for re-election and have a Republican Primary on September 11th. If successful, my name
will be on the Ballot in November.

Dick Marple

Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2012 04:11:13 -0700
Subject: Re: Despairing Situation - So what are we going to do about it?

John Kotmair, I am going on 67 years of age, a few years behind you. I know you are of the circa of Art Porth. As perhaps you already know, I labored close along with him early in the tax movement. I do believe the two of you were friends prior to my entering the picture.

As to the State of New Hampshire, I was unaware that New Hampshire was a People's Initiative State. I was under the impression, based upon the information from Dane Waters Initiative & Referendum website that the only way anyone could get a law considered was to present it to a legislator for their sponsorship, but no person could sponsor either a constitutional amendment, or an amendment in law.

Perhaps you know Dick Marple. He is on our mailing list, and was once a New Hampshire legislator, so I will copy him on this.

Thank you for the great work you are doing, and for the book you have sent me. God bless you, dear one.

Ron Branson

John Kotmair wrote:

    I appreciate all your efforts regarding the corrupt courts.  But I beg to differ about yours being the "first judicial reform initiative in existence."  Please review the attached which was created in 1989.  Because of the events recorded in the attached Extra Edition of the RA newsletter, I wrote a proposed Bill and circulated everywhere, to include some elected officials, asking them to introduce it.  The State version was introduced in the New Hampshire Legislature, but did not reach the floor, being bottled up in committee.  The newsletter was forwarded to the President, both Houses of Congress, and all the Federal Judges.  Needless to say, it got quite a reaction for years to come.

    As a gift from me, please review my booklet attached, and tell me what you think.  I am truly pleased to see that you are still keeping on!!  I know that you must be getting up there, for this coming October 6th, I will be 78 years young.

John Kotmair

On 8/10/2012 12:04 AM, Ron Branson wrote:

Joseph Zernik, I wish to comment on your statement, "When I started my project in early 2007, you could hardly find any information online on judicial corruption in the United States."

Back in April of 1995 I wrote the first judicial reform initiative in existence. It was then called "Judicial Reform Act of 1996." A gentlemen by the name of Greg Brown who lived in Hollywood, searched the internet for anything he could find comparable to JRA. He could find nothing. What he said was the only thing he found in reference to judges was a website placed on the internet by judges themselves, and they were complaining that they were not getting paid enough for the wonderful job they were performing, and contended that their deserved a greater salary.

After J.A.I.L. first hit the internet, other organizations eventually started up alternatives to the Judicial Accountability Initiative Law. (J.A.I.L.) They sought other methods of  holding the judges accountable, mostly, seeking laws by legislators.

Near every judicial accountability effort is in some way an offspring of JAIL4Judges. Since those days, judicial organizations have popped up like hydras all around across the country. Here we are seventeen years later, and people are still searching for a remedy against wayward judges. They do not understand that the only remedy that will work is the initiative process started back in 1995. To my knowledge, no legislation has ever been passed by the legislators for judicial accountability, including Congress, which has been sitting on the Federal J.A.I.L. Bill offered to them. It is now a document that is filed in the Library of Congress.

Ron Branson

joseph zernik wrote:
I am often asked that question, and my response is as follows:

The older I get, the more I realize how clueless I am.  Given that, the most amazing thing is how fast things move ahead.  When I started my project in early 2007, you could hardly find any information online on judicial corruption in the United States.  Therefore, I aimed to "discover, archive, and disseminate evidence of corruption of the Los Angeles Superior Court...".  I thought that it was rather limited, to Los Angeles County, and I also thought that I would never see any change in my lifetime. 

Perhaps Los Angeles County was an early national center of judicial corruption, but today the corruption is rampant nationwide, credible media, expert, and government reports are abundant online, and the consequences to the peace and welfare of the nation are evident as well.

Such conditions are called in social studies "Tyranny of the Courts", and it prevailed in the European Middle Ages.  It can also be deemed the ultimate tyranny of the English Monarchs (now in UK restricted by and large), being the highest judicial authority.

At 03:34 AM 8/6/2012, you wrote:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Despairing Situation - So what are we going to do about it?
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2012 14:16:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: Stan Antlocer <>
To: Ron Branson <>

Hi Ron,
Stan Antlocer here. First of all the notion that judges have judicial immunity is not true. See these cases and law that forbid it:


Ron's note: No cases or laws were provided or attached. Perhaps Stan forgot to attach them.

From: Ron Branson <>
To: Jacob <>
Sent: Sun, August 5, 2012 8:58:49 AM
Subject: Despairing Situation - So what are we going to do about it?

Jacob Roginski, we have share the same speaking podium together. Have you ever given much serious thought about JAIL4Judges as the only means of getting out of this mess? There is no other way than setting up an Independent Special Grand Jury of the common People who uniquely determine if any judge should enjoy the protections of judicial immunity for their wayward actions, i.e., paragraph 2 of the J.A.I.L. Initiative,

"Notwithstanding common law or any other provision to the contrary, no immunities shielding a judge from frivolous and harassing actions shall be construed to extend to any deliberate violation of law, fraud or conspiracy, intentional violation of due process of law, deliberate disregard of material allegations, judicial acts without jurisdiction, blocking of a lawful conclusion of a case, or any deliberate violation of the Constitutions of California or the United States."

Ron Branson

Jacob wrote:

We must seek unity, break out of the molds the elites have squeezed us in, stop blaming each other for the condition of the country,  and open our minds to at last an honest and thoughtful examination of where we are, how we got here, and what must be done for change.  When the government is failing us so fundamentally, when the ruling class propaganda no longer sounds credible even to the least politically discerning among us, it is time to re-examine from ground up the truth and soundness of our notions about the nature and history of government in the United States.  Until we understand the Problem, no solutions will be in our sight. 

I hear with dismay folks blaming other folks for our situation, repeating the propaganda of the elite media and political machinery, whose purpose is as it has always been to keep us from focusing on the inherently criminal ruling class.  If the sole cause of our problem really is those people who like to get free things from government, we might as well quit, as all but perhaps one in a million among us are married for life to this sin; bucking Nature is always in vain.  If, on the other hand, one of the principal causes is a system that allows this sin a field of action, we may be able to do something about it.

Only if we manage the daunting task of clearing our view of the myriad of misconceptions the elites have erected in us to obstruct it, will we be in a position to rebuild the culture and practice of liberty and prosperity in this land.

Jacob Roginsky

On 8/3/2012 10:09 AM, Robert Sindelar wrote:

Dear Jacob,
Your comments below re: ruling vs. masses are absolutely correct. Practicality went out when rulers assembled and were grown to become tyrants over all others. We have come to that point in time Sir.
So, What are we going to do about it?
Many good men have tried, many good men sit in prisons across our land and off shore. They sit there only because the masses chickened out of holding up there responsibility to a JUST Cause.
What do you think friend?

[Victims of Court Corruption] Hermosa Beach Meter Maids Making Nearly $100K?

"[T]he prosperity of fools
shall destroy them.

Proverbs 1:32

As we know that cities, counties, and states all around the U.S. are facing financial bankruptcy. They are crying out for funds. Nowhere is this situation more acute than in the Golden State of California. No justice or judge in this country is "earning" more than those sitting on the bench in California, who are racking in more than the those sitting on the U.S. Supreme Court. As shown in the recent media, we have had a city manager drawing $800,000 a year, and the highest paid city councilmen in the nation.

Years ago a friend of mine joined me in at a Denny's Restaurant where we were enjoying lunch. He brought with him a number of newspaper clippings for me to read. Sitting in the booth next to us were two L.A.P.D. officers. My friend asked me to read aloud just the headlines from these clippings, which I did. It was one article after another that placed the police in a bad light, even expressed grievances by the cops union. Then I read one headlines was about the L.A. City ticket writers getting paid more than the the police did. Then police called for the waiter and asked if they could be seated elsewhere, in which they were accommodated.

Here in the California we have become famous for closed businesses, foreclosures, and joblessness. I have personally witnessed the need for aid to the homeless double and even triple, even seeing a lack of tables and chairs to seat the homeless. Homelessness has become the most predominate single listed "occupation" on applications.

Now witness the below headlines from the Orange County Register, "Hermosa Beach Meter Maids Making Nearly $100K?" It appears that the modus operandi of those in government is, "Get yours before somebody else grabs it first!" We have a massive number of destitute people who would jump at the opportunity to work for just $10 an hour with no benefits.
We have truly become a society engaged in a race for the bottom.

*   *   *

Hermosa Beach meter maids
making nearly $100K?

August 10th, 2012, 9:01 pm · · posted by

When contemplating the many reasons cities in California and elsewhere are venturing closer to bankruptcy, look no further than the relatively lucrative and often-unjustifiable salaries bestowed on municipal employees – and the lofty pension benefits attached to the high pay.

One of the latest examples comes from the California coastal city of Hermosa Beach, where some community service staffers who collect money from parking meters and manage their operations – positions once widely known as “meter maids” – are making nearly $100,000 a year in total compensation, according to city documents.

There are 10 parking enforcement employees for the 1.3-square-mile beach city southwest of downtown Los Angeles, and they pull down some disproportionate compensation, considering their job functions. In fact, the two highest-earning employees for fiscal year 2011-12 are estimated to have made more than $92,000 and $93,000, respectively, according to city documents provided by Patrick “Kit” Bobko, one of five council members and who also serves as mayor pro tem. Those two have supervisory roles. The other eight parking-enforcement employees make from $67,367 to $84,267 in total compensation.

There are four qualifications for being a city “community service officer,” Bobko told me: “You have to be able to drive a standard transmission; you have to able to handle large animals; you have to read and interpret statutes and regulations; and you have a high school diploma or equivalent.”

According to the city’s job description, these community service officers are supposed “to enforce meter and other regulations governing the parking of vehicles on streets and municipal parking lots; to enforce animal regulations; may drive city buses; collect meters and perform minor meter repairs; perform related work as required.”

The section of the job description that gives examples of job duties reads as follows: “Patrols streets and municipal parking lots and checks vehicles for parking violations; issues citations for parking violations; impound vehicles in certain cases; collects and transports stray dogs to designated holding facilities; investigates complaints for animal control violations; may drive city buses; meter collection and minor meter repair.”

Bobko also wrote in a memo that the retirement costs for these 10 employees “from [fiscal year 2011-12] through their retirement age at 62 was nearly $1.6 million, and the medical costs for these employees from this fiscal year to their retirement at age 62 would be $1,353,827.” Excluding salaries, the [retirement] contributions and medical costs for the 10 employees performing parking enforcement will cost, on average, nearly $300,000 apiece.”

Aside from the personnel costs, there has been criticism from Hermosa Beach Treasurer David Cohn that parking meter operations have been mismanaged. Cohn cited nonfunctioning parking meters, a backlog in disputed parking tickets and problems with the accounting for revenue.

Bobko told me that his concern is that, when taxpayers learn that city employees “are making high wages for low-skilled jobs, they are not OK with it.” That’s especially true when considering these jobs easily could be at least partially automated or even outsourced, for less money.

Bobko is pushing a plan to outsource the city’s parking enforcement operations, which he says will save money, reduce maintenance costs, relieve the city of accounting functions related to parking enforcement, increase efficiency and, perhaps most importantly, increase revenue and “reduce the city’s pension and salary obligations.”

There has been opposition to the outsourcing proposal from Hermosa Beach’s Police Chief Steve Johnson and Councilman Howard Fishman. Both expressed concerns about letting go full-time city staff. Bobko accurately characterized the resistance: “When you outsource, you take away union jobs.”

In this case, outsourcing parking-enforcement duties would benefit the taxpayers among Hermosa Beach’s population of slightly less than 20,000. For an example of how such a switch might work, Hermosa officials could travel about 45 miles south along the coast to Newport Beach, where the city successfully moved to outsource parking enforcement last year.

“We have seen increased revenues with the private company operating the meter program,” Newport Councilwoman Leslie Daigle said.

Since Newport made the move, the city “has seen a 24.4 percent increase in parking-meter revenues over last year and salary savings of approximately $500,000 from outsourcing parking meter operations,” according to Tara Finnigan, a spokeswoman for the city.

Privatizing parking meter duties also is a national trend, as detailed in a recent study by the libertarian Reason Foundation. Chicago and Indianapolis have had success with outsourcing parking enforcement, and other cities including New York, Pittsburgh, Sacramento, Memphis, Tenn., and Harrisburg, Pa., are considering privatization proposals.

Indianapolis City Councilman Ben Hunter told me, “The privatization of the parking meter system in Indianapolis allowed for an immediate upgrade of a poor system.”

Back in Hermosa Beach, “We can’t keep making promises with money we don’t have to people we are paying well above what the market would pay them,” Bobko said.

Public employee compensation and retirement costs are proving unsustainable. More cities in the Golden State and elsewhere need to accept that reality and act on it to avoid fiscal calamity, perhaps starting with the meter maids.

Posted in: California