Thursday, April 30, 2015

[Victims of Court Corruption] Richard Fine Radio Interview 5/1/2015 7:00 pm PDT

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Richard Fine Radio Interview 5/1/2015 7:00 pm PDT
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 19:09:14 -0700
From: Richard Fine <>
CC: Richard Fine <>

Dear Ron:

Would you please be so kind as to distribute this. It is the start of our Campaign to end judicial corruption and accomplish judicial reform with the 2016 elections.


The National Safe Child Show on Friday, May 1, 2015
​Dr. Richard Fine will provide the "NUTS AND BOLTS" to eradicate failures within our Judicial System​. 

Richard I. Fine, Ph.D. will  appear on the National Safe Child Show, Friday, 
​May 1
, 2015
​ at​
 7:00 pm PDT 
​on "" 
Channel 2. He will 
​offer our audience the knowledge of "How To E
 Judicial Reform
. This
 major issue 
​must be understood and addressed ​
in the 2016 national, state and local elections
​!  If "We The People" want transparency, honesty and laws to be  upheld, we must know who is running and ​
​the ​
candidates committed to judicial reform.

This interview is a continuation of the April 17, 2015 interview with Tammi Stefano which is available on
​ archives​

​The ​
2016 Presidential Candidates are now recognizing the need for judicial reform. Rand Paul is seeking term limits for judges. Hillary C
linton is seeking reform of the criminal justice system.

Dr. Fine is a recognized authority on judicial corruption. As an attorney, he litigated 
​numerous ​
cases involving judicial corruption
​ and was always up for the challenge​
. He presently is a strategic consultant
​, his primary ​
​? ​
 judicial corruption and anti corruption
​. Dr, Fine is Chairman and 
​r of
​the "​
Campaign for Judicial Integrity
. He is 
Co Chairperson of the Judicial Reform Committee for DivorceCorp.
​, an organization dedicated to addressing systemic failures within the Divorce Courts.

Be A Voice For A Child!
National Safe Child Show
NSC Show Staff

Judges must be accountable to the People's Grand Juries