Sunday, November 11, 2012

[Victims of Court Corruption] Grand Juries Are Dumb Asses

Bob Hurt, if you are speaking of the County Grand Juries, then I would agree with you. However, the JAIL4Judges Initiative is not going to be creating County Grand Juries. County Grand Juries have jurisdiction over all matters, but as you say, "The Grand Jury is largely made up of dumb asses who don't have a clue."

This is precisely why it is paramount that we must create the People's Independent Special Grand Juries that only have jurisdiction over the judiciary. Since J.A.I.L. does not interfere with any existing legal processes, it leaves them to operate just as they exist. However, in order for the People to gain access to the Special Grand Juries, they must exhaust all the existing channels before they can gain access to the Special Grand Juries, including County Grand Juries. This is true criminally and it is true civilly. This way, J.A.I..L. cannot be justifiably accused of interfering with either the judicial system, nor with the prosecutor, or with the Grand Jury.

These Special Grand Jurors are you and me. If you wish to refer to yourself as a dumb ass that is you prerogative. But I would hope that you find yourself with a higher opinion of yourself. Perhaps if my name is drawn to serve on one of these Special Grand Juries, I am likely to be accused of having a conflict of interest and challenged to recuse myself. I can live with that, as I will consider myself as an ad hock "adviser" to all of the Special Grand Juries throughout the country, should they call upon me, if there be such a position. I find no provision that any Grand Jury may not consult with anyone they shall chose.

Ron Branson

-------- Original Message --------

I fully believe the fourth branch which I have proposed SHOULD interfere with the misdeeds by indicting and prosecuting government criminals, including those in the courts.  The grand jury is largely made up of dumbasses who don’t have a clue, chosen for that reason.  State and US Attorneys interfere with their deliberations and tell them what to think, and even forge documents in their name.  The grand jury system is hopelessly broken and it does not have the disconnection from criminal infrastructure of government that it needs to function effectively for eliminating government crime.  THAT and the lack of penalties for loyalty oath violation explains WHY we have so much government crime.


Another reason for government crime is the combined lack of intelligence, responsibility, education, and ethics in the electorate.  Dumbasses elect criminals and intellectual thugs like Obama.


America and the states all need a fourth branch that


1.       Advises and informs the other branches about prudence and constitutionality of laws

2.      Advises and informs the people about prudence of laws and character and record of politicians, including judges and candidates for judgeships

3.      Indicts and prosecutes government crooks on behalf of the people







Bob Hurt


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From: Ron Branson []
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 12:55 PM
To:; Bob Hurt;
Subject: My Letter to the President



Herein is the problem. We do not need a Fourth Branch of Government to Inform and Advise the existing Three without interfering with their deeds. What we must have is a power outside of the Three Branches of Government who must interfere with the deeds of existing governances. That entity is The People, and that forum for the People to interfere with the Three Branches of Government is the Grand Jury! Believe me, there is just no other way to recover our country. The problem is the greedy sin nature of mankind. The cure, until the Perfect One arrives, is a a fast turn-around body of independent People that are not afforded the time to manifest their greedy sin nature.

Ron Branson

-------- Original Message --------

Actually, the US Constitution needs a separate, 4th branch of Government, the Inform and Advise Branch, that handles this function without interference from the other branches, and its Secretary of Discretion Assessment would assess the degree to which public officers have abused discretion, including straying from the bounds of their oaths to support the Constitution.  That secretary would lodge complaints against and prosecute any public officers.

Bob Hurt

On 11/08/2012 02:34 PM, wrote:

Dear Mr. President:


In considering steps to insure that, “The best is yet to come,” please consider the creation of a new cabinet position: Secretary of Judicial Affairs.


The new office would be completely independent of the Judicial Branch and Department of Justice, and its role would be to hear and investigate meritorious complaints of judicial misconduct that are now routinely dismissed by panels of other judges.


The new office would: 1) Operate independent, citizen grand juries to hear and rule on complaints against judges; 2) Make recommendations to the Department of Justice for enforcement or discipline where indicated; and 3) Recommend legislation to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.


The blogosphere is replete with examples of egregious injustice resulting from blatant judicial conflicts of interest that favor one party over another, and where material evidence is arbitrarily disregarded.  Careers have been destroyed and lives shattered as a result of a system of justice that has become irreparably unbalanced, while aggrieved victims of injustice have nowhere to turn.  Witness that, from 1996 to 2008, more than 99.8 percent of all complaints against federal judges were either dismissed or withdrawn.*


The country needs to restore a semblance of judicial fairness, and it is clear that this will not occur as long as judges are allowed to police themselves, make the rules governing their own discipline, and generally wield excessive power over their critics.


Very truly yours,



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Bob Hurt
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