Sunday, March 24, 2013

[Victims of Court Corruption] Ron, Personal Request from Bill Windsor for an Affidavit to use in Missouri Court on April 8

fn:Ron Branson
adr;dom:;;P.O. Box 207;North Hollywood,;CA.;91603
title:National J.A.I.L. Commander-In-Chief
note;quoted-printable:Ron Branson=0D=0A=
National J.A.I.L. Commander-In-Chief=0D=0A=


Dear Bill Windsor:

I am in receipt of your request for assistance set for your April 8th court appearance. Ironically, I just received a summons from the Los Angeles County Superior Court to make myself available for Jury Duty on that very day of April 8th. In the past, when they discovered that I was the founder of JAIL4Judges, I was excused as a potential juror. The upper echelon of the Judiciary know who I am, but the lower level judges do not.

Being in the forefront of the Judicial battle nationwide, I do have a number of contacts and legal minds that I may inform as to your request. I shall not herein expose those to whom I will contact, but they will receive a copy of your request via BCC.

To these receiving this email via BCC, I ask, if you can in any way be of assistance to Bill Windsor according to his below request on or before April 2nd, I encourage you to directly contact Bill Windsor at You may feel free to CC me with a copy of that email if you wish. Bill is trying to help us with the development of a nationwide expose movie on judicial corruption, so let us now try to help him. Thanks.

Ron Branson

-------- Original Message --------

Ron Branson


I am writing to ask a personal favor.  There are a lot of people trying to interfere with Lawless America...The Movie.  I anticipate that I will be in court many times.  I definitely will be in court on April 8, and I am emailing to ask you to send me an affidavit for use at that time.


You may have read on Facebook that I experienced a first in my 64 1/2 years this week.


At 10 pm on March 20, 2013, a sheriff appeared at our front door.  I was served with an Adult Abuse/Stalking Ex Parte Order of Protection.

This is the first time I have ever had the police come to see me or indicate that I might have ever done anything illegal (other than traffic tickets) in my entire life.  I have never been arrested, charged with, or convicted of a crime.  I have never been in a jail or prison except as a visitor.  I haven't even had a traffic ticket or parking ticket in over 12 years. 

The complaints against me by Allie Overstreet include that I have "bought a gun for use on a group of people."  She has made one lie after another under penalty of perjury.

The complaint against me is attached.  I also enclose a format that you can use for an affidavit, if you choose to provide one.  I have heard that Sean Boushie (the original stalker) is planning to be there to testify for Allie.  Two liars against one honest man can be devastating.  I don’t know that anyone will come to be there to testify for me, so I thought affidavits would be the next best thing.


If you want to provide an affidavit, please revise the template that I have provided to be in your words and address whatever you know about or feel.  Feel free to express your thoughts on whether I go around threatening people with a gun, what I do to help children and families, what you have read on the website or Facebook about threats against me, and anything else.


If possible, get the affidavit notarized.  If that’s a problem, just sign it and forget the notary page.  Please mail to: Bill Windsor, 3924 Lower Roswell Road, Marietta, GA 30068.  I will be leaving for Missouri as early as April 2, so please handle this right away.


If you have a scanner, I would also appreciate a scanned copy by email.  Please email to


If you are anywhere near Lexington, Missouri on Monday April 8, 2013 at 1 pm, please join me in Courtroom B of the Circuit Court of Lafayette County.


Thank you for your consideration,




William M. Windsor

PO Box 681236

Marietta, GA 30068


Fax: 770-578-1057