Thursday, March 22, 2012

[Victims of Court Corruption] South Dakota - "State Prison Population Hits Record High"

Gary Zerman, I would like to comment on the below news article, "State Prison Population Hits Record High"

It should be noted that the prison population in the U.S. is five times higher per capita than all the rest of the world. This statistic is gleaned from statements that the U.S. has only 5% of the worlds population, but has 25% of the worlds population behind prison bars.

Further, it should be noted that of all fifty states in the U.S., it is the State of South Dakota that has the highest population per capita in prison of all states. Hence, the prison capital of the World is South Dakota.

Further, I call to attention that when the State of South Dakota took on its fight against the passage of J.A.I.L., it chose as its focus the threat to South Dakota's prison population, saying that what J.A.I.L. was seeking was to release all the felons behind bars in South Dakota to go after the jurors who voted to convict them, and place them behind those bars.

We also discovered that one of the State Senators had the entire vendor business sown up within all the prisons in South Dakota. Every time a prisoner purchased from the vending machines, he made money, which endowed him with his fortunes..

Ron Branson

News 1 new result for court judge "South Dakota"
State prison population hits record high
Rapid City Journal
PIERRE — South Dakota's prison population hit record highs in recent months, state officials said Thursday as they described stepped-up efforts to reduce the number of people sentenced to prison and cut the number of parolees who end up back behind ...
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