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Suppressed tortures had been used in empty courtrooms against veterans, in previous decades, in order to benefit special interests groups and cronies and fellow lawyers of elected representatives and judges. The necessary result was intimidation and fraudulent court histories. Habeas corpus hearings were always no more than a joke, and bogus commitments were always the norm.
posted by fritz at 6:42 PM
(1) I am a person who had been plainly lynched by the outrageous illegal use of a very plainly fraudulent trial transcript (6804.84, New York County [In addition, the Court Reporter never even certified it with her signiture,nor did anyone ever certify this trial transcript in any other way]: It has always been the entire record of evidence that was used at my trial and the only possible official record of evidence.);The criminal ineffectiveness of trial and appellate counsels are the primary issues (2)I am a 61-year old grind: I exercise and study and prepare for another pro-se litigation with the Supreme Court of the State of New York. This Court always fights to hide the truth. (New York County[100 Centre Street,N.Y.C. 10013])