[Victims of Court Corruption] Judges' Jobs Injustice - [Americans Starting To Wake Up]
Re: The Judiciary
Back in 1995 the Lord moved upon the heart of Mr. Branson to compose what is now called JAIL4Judges from his years of court experience. Unknown at the time, the Lord had Mr. Branson at the right places, and at the right times, preparing him for what he was about to do in 1995. Branson had personal access to the District Attorney's Office where he could associate with all the prosecutors, including attending their office Christmas parties. He got to know lead the prosecutors all the way up to the very top, to include inside contact with the Los Angeles County Grand Jury and the Grand Jury Foreman.
But it was not until 1995 that the Lord had him sit down before his archaic computer with a whopping specially made extended 66 meg hard drive before the internet became popular, and within two days he drew up an Initiative that God let him know would shake this nation.
One year later, in 1996 a man by the name to Greg Brown, who was internet savoy before most of you even thought about having a computer, said, "Mr. Branson, I did an internet search for anything I could find on exposing judges on the internet. He stated that the only thing he could find was one website that was put up by judges complaining that they were not getting paid enough for the excellent work they were doing. Not a thing negative.
So, it became apparent that God's leading in the writing of JAIL4Judges was cutting a new path within this country. Since that time, judicial expose sites have flourished and abounded, and the knowledge of judicial corruption is starting to become common knowledge. While most everyone realizes there is a problem with our judiciary, they have not figured out how to deal with this problem. But the answer has been right before them within JAIL4Judges written in 1995.
Mr. Branson has been constantly exposing the Judicial Commissions across this nation, and instructing the People that they are only created as "sandbags" to absorb their complaints, no more. Perhaps that massage is starting to sink in more and more as frustration increases about the judiciary.
Below is a New York post confirming what JAIL4Judges has been saying in its inception in 1995. When the overwhelming majority of the People lose confidence within the judiciary, then maybe they will take action following the message God gave to Mr. Branson of J.A.I.L.
Ron Branson
National J.A.I.L. Commander-In-Chief
Judges’ jobs injustice
Last Updated: 11:58 PM, April 7, 2012
Posted: April 08, 2012
If you’re a New York City judge and get caught breaking court rules, not to worry: The state’s Commission on Judicial Conduct is only too happy to give you a pass.
That’s what the panel proved last week when it let Justice Luis Gonzalez off the hook, scot-free — despite finding, in a lengthy report, that he was a flagrant nepotist who clearly violated the court’s rules.
Indeed, the way Gonzalez — the presiding justice of the Appellate Division’s First Department, covering Manhattan and The Bronx — handed out court jobs, he seemed more like a one-man family-and-friends employment agency than a fair-minded, on-the-merits judge of the court.
It’s a wonder he found time for any judicial matters.
And yet, the complaint against him was dismissed without so much as a reprimand.
Why? Because, the commission found, “hiring for non-lawyer positions at the Appellate Division, First Department, has been a closed process for decades.”
In other words, that’s the way it’s always been done in the First Department — so why hold Gonzalez responsible?
What a pitiful excuse.
Frankly, it speaks volumes about the commission itself — and its relationship to the judges it’s supposed to judge.
Never mind that the report noted that “such a practice undermines the judicial obligation to make appointments based on merit, avoiding favoritism and nepotism.”
And that “it diminishes public confidence in the fairness and impartiality of the courts, even if every person hired for every job was in fact qualified for it.”
(In the case of Gonzalez’s hires, by the way, that wasn’t even always the case.)
Yet the commission practically made the jurist sound a like a hero — saying that “to his credit, Judge Gonzalez has acknowledged shortcomings in the [hiring] protocol . . . and is open to making meaningful change.”
Gee, how swell of him. He and the other appellate justices swiftly adopted the commission’s recommendations.
But none of this should have been necessary. The court’s rules are crystal clear about how employees should be hired — and Gonzalez, like his predecessors, blatantly ignored them.
No one should pretend that any of them are reformers. They made a mockery of the system — and only further eroded public confidence in it.
As for the Commission on Judicial Conduct, its whitewash only reinforces public cynicism about the court.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/judges_jobs_injustice_LW7W0vM1OBKDM2fb4k6eiL#ixzz1rV0UHaFE