Frederick Alexander Jones
670A Greene Avenue, Apt. 3B
Brooklyn, New York 11221
I.D. #: 5661
Telephone Number: 1-718-919-2028
Saturday 6 January 2007
New York State Board for Professional Medical Conduct,
New York State Department of Health,
Office of Professional Medical Conduct,
433 River Street, Suite 303,
Troy, New York 12180 - 2299
I am the above-named Frederick A. Jones, and I am, by this communication, respectfully complaining of a criminal retaliation and the policies and circumstances that permitted such retaliation. I have also included the complaint that resulted in such criminal misconduct.
On Wednesday 20 December 2006, I did enter the Adult Emergency at the Bellevue Hospital Center (462 1st Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016). I had almost no breath, my chest was tight, I was wheezing, my feet were swollen, my eyes were very red, I was constantly coughing and blowing my nose, I had been averaging 2 hours of sleep each night, and I had recently taken my prescribed medications. All of these conditions were rapidly worsening. Without the services of the E.R., I would have probably died.
Hours later, I was prescribed 40 mgs. of prednisone each day for 5 days, and 30 mgs. of prednisone for 5 additional days.
Doctor Amit J. Patel (Respiratory, Clinic C, Veterans Affairs Medical Center - New York Campus, 423 East 23rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10010, 1-212-686-7500, ext. 7142) later returned my to the 20 mgs. per day of prednisone that I had been taking for several years prior to being a patient at the VAMC-NY.
The problem and the cause of this complaint appears to be the categorical and brazenly unjustifiable orders of Doctors Sarah Berry (Primary Care) and Amit J. Patel (Respiratory) to eliminate all of my life-supporting medications following my 12 September 2006 complaint that is described in full below. I had informed these doctors that the aforesaid acute asthmatic condition had been reduced and restored extremely frequently and extremely dangerously, and for a period of several previous years. I had also informed both of them that the alleged weaning from prednisone had been always ordered during very plainly acute asthmatic conditions, and always after the failures of these doctors to use peak flow meter readings. Moreover, they apparently never seriously considered my very repeated opposition to such alleged weanings and to the outrageous low doses of prednisone that were plainly permanently destroying my health (particularly my heart, brain, and possibly other organs).
As a result of the foregoing, therefore, these apparently criminal assaults and other misconduct can only be regarded as brazen and dastardly retaliations or reprisals upon a disabled veteran. I, also, respectfully submit to you that such criminal conduct and misconduct appear to be informal policy.
During several previous years, many apparently reliable sources have repeatedly disclosed to me pervasive informal policies that permit and support the New York State Executive Branch or the United States Executive Branch whenever they explicitly and unlawfully order tortures and other criminal abuses against disabled veterans. Such conduct appears to have been a New York State matter, before it became nationwide. Such conduct, in addition, appears to have been in existance for many decades.
It had always been accomplished by the suppression of the potential complaints of informants and by the suppression of the full complaints of patients. In addition, such conduct clearly appears to be momentous. Indeed, it requires congressional hearings as well as state legislative hearings.
Accordingly, during the past several years, apparently all of the aforesaid unlawful executive orders were made over the telephone. Moreover, they were all apparently responded to as if they came directly from God. The result had also included enormous losses of jobs and many desciplinary actions suffered by these responders. Nevertheless, the very repeated total abscence of responses to my many dozens of well written complaints appears to be the most most serious of all conduct.
Indeed, since 12 September 2006, I had written and emailed and otherwise complained to dozens of local and state and federal elected officials, the media, dozens of government and civil rights agencies, and very repeatedly. As of the today, Saturday 6 January 2007, I have received almost no responses. Such failures to even respond are, by far, the most serious of all conduct. Such massive disregard over a period of scores of years have clearly caused the aforesaid depraved and dastardly conduct towards disabled veterans to increase. Thus, during the past 5 years, such conduct has been brazen and clearly unabated.
COMPLAINT (O.P.D. # 2606060)
To Whom it May Concern:
I am the above-named Frederick Alexander Jones, and I am by this communication respectfully submitting a complaint of the policies of reprisals and suppressing complaints as well as the criminal abuses and other uprofessional conduct by Clinical Social Worker Richard J. Pinard, LMSW (license number: 72 069293), and others. Indeed, my previous complaints have resulted in absolutely no response from any government body, excepting only some recent referrals from Assembly Speaker Silver and a letter of support from the American Legion.
The following complaint is also intended to update and to improve the recounting of the 12 September 2006 complaint.
Accordingly, on Tuesday 3 October 2006, a 28 September 2006 letter from the New York State Office of Professional Conduct, by Supervising Investigator Lewis Antine, was received by me. As of Thursday 26 October 2006, this letter is the only response to each of my specific complaints to all appropriate parties within the V.A.. Although the advice and apparent actions of Messrs. Bailyn and Johnson were brief and extremely helpful, I do want such complaints to be addressed and placed on record, and properly considered. By simply regarding me as a sick organism and a typical participant, the total abscence of meaningful oversight and the total abscence of responses to complaints of employee misconduct as well as reprisals will continue.
Indeed, at the present time, Saturday 6 January 2007, Mr. Bailyn comes to mind.
On Thursday 5 October 2006, Chief of Social Work Steven Bailyn left a message on my answering service: "I have just received a letter from the I.G. that included your complaint about me," he stated in a very angry manner. Then, he immediately uttered "You are no longer a participant in the Anger Management program, as of this moment." He also ordered me to see a psychiatrist within 24 hours, in order to re-evaluate my mental health.
Mr. Bailyn was extremely aware of the enormous penalties that may be inflicted upon my failure to complete the Anger Management program. His conduct was very plainly a retaliation for my having complained to the I.G.. (V.A. Inspector General Hotline [53E], P.O. Box 50410, Washington, D.C. 20091 - 0410, Tel.#: 1-202-565-7702). This was more unprofessional conduct, and is hereby submitted as an additional conplaint.
Mr. Bailyn, at the present time (Saturday 6 January 2007), has still refused to even acknowledge any of my specific complaints against Mr. Pinard.
Mr. Bailyn had, also, forced me to remain in the schedualed 60-minute sessions for more than 90 minutes during all of the 6 previous anger management sessions.
Mr. Bailyn, by his aforesaid brazen and hateful retaliation, refused to permit me to complete the remaining 6 of the 12 sessions that were required by the agency that sent me to him. This was done, despite my communication to him that described a much more restrained and civil Mr. Pinard.
Mr. Bailyn did, on Tuesday 19 September 2006, order me to "pretend to have criminal thoughts or actions, in order to remain a participant in the Anger Management program."
As of the above date, only my progress notes can be used to prevent in unimaginable
Since Tuesday 12 September 2006, the supervisors of Mr. Pinard (Chief of Social Work Steven Bailey [9th Floor, North, Ext. 7871, Voice Mail 3295] and Assistant Chief of Social Work Thomas Johnson [9th Floor, North, Ext. 7763] ) have informed me that I must pretend that I have an anger management problem, in order to remain in the Anger Management Group that Mr. Pinard conducts. All specific complaints from me appeared to have been thoroughly disregarded. Nevertheless, the very great criminal harassment appears to have abated for the present time and up to 5 October 2006. The basic complaint is as follows:
From the 3rd of August 2006 to the afternoon hours of 12 September 2006, at the United States Veterans' Affairs New York Harbor Healthcare System, New York Campus, 423 East 23rd Street, New York, New York 10010, Telephone Number 1-212-686-7500 ( Director John J. Donnellan, Jr.; Mr. Pinard is licensed by the New York State Education Department, License Number 72 069293 [See, also, the Office of Professional Discipline, 475 Park Avenue South, Second Floor, New York, New York, 10016-6901, Telephone Number 1-212-961-5879 and 1-212-961-4369] ), Clinical Social Worker Richard J. Pinard did use his position as the leader of the Anger Management Group to inflict criminally unprofessional conduct. This was done, despite the fact that the group meets in the aforesaid Veterans' Affairs Hospital. Indeed, it meets from 1100 hrs. to 1230 hrs., in room 2691, every Tuesday, for 12 Sessions.
Mr. Pinard repeatedly rudely interrupted most of my responses to his questions. He repeatedly misrepresented my statements in a denigrating way. He pretended to be unable to understand me. Moreover his extremely abusive and extremely disrepectful conduct always worsened. Accordingly and for most of the 90 minute sessions, he constantly and angrily and gratuitously scolded me as if I were a very misbehaving 6-year-old child. Indeed, as others continued their litanies of mia culpas, he became increasingly enraged whenever I did fail to concede criminal behavior or criminal thoughts. It was an ourtrageous secret government interrogation. The results were intended for a jury, in violation of fundamental rights.
As if these constant criminal harassments were not enough, he did order me to remain after the 12 September 2006 session was completed. Indeed, in a very threatening manner, he stated to me that a special sessin will continue for me only. The outrageous an unlawful abusive interrogation was made to continue. He, then, falsely accused me of threatening him. Moreover, he did use this special secret session to continue the aforesaid harassing and intimidating, and extremely abusive criminal conduct.
Upon the end of this session, I did decide to record a true complaint of such conduct. I made specific complaints to Patient Representative Dorothy K. Weaver (ext. 4048) and to the person that she sent me to, Discharge Planning Coordinator Social Worker Susan Henderson,MSW (9th Floor, North, ext. 7544).
However, although Ms. Weaver did say that she will record the complaints, she had written almost nothing. They both, otherwise, glibly disregarded the aforesaid specific complaints. Instead of recording the true complaints, they used a policy intended to further treat the veteran. Moreover, Ms. Henderson did state that she will remove me from the aforesaid Anger Management Group. This was done, while she and Mr. Pinard both did know that courts or government departments would very harshly punish any failure to attend and complete such a program as Anger Management.
Moreover, while in the office of Ms. Henderson, I discovered that policies and procedures appeared to permit Mr. Pinard the privilege of suppressing and editing and censoring the events that did transpire during the anger management group meetings.
Indeed, his routine reports of my conduct and my behavior will be scrutinized by the government body or department that ordered my attendance. This will occur, despite the privacy policy and the privacy law that requires my permission. Nevertheless, his aforesaid harassing conduct had not been demonstrated on the record, as of 1440 hrs. of 12 September 2006. The aforesaid interrogation and criminal abuses that I suffered were, of course, suppressed.
The aforesaid specific complaints were as follows:
1. Clinical Social Worker Richard Pinard did engage in a willful course of conduct that demomstrated his contempt and disrespect and enragement for me, upon almost every time that I offered a proper response. This was willful harassment that included willful abusive scoldings and denigrating misrepresentations of my statements.
2. Mr. Pinard did deliberately use such conduct to provoke other participants in the Anger Management Group to strike me.
3. Mr. Pinard did maliciously threaten me by informing me that I will be asked to leave the group upon the very next inappropriate response from me. He did this without reasonably suggesting what such a response might be.
4. Mr. Pinard did maliciously intimidate me by asking to see me alone, then falsely alleging that I did threaten him.
5. Mr. Pinard did make false reports that did not include the willful harassments that I did suffer.
6. Mr. Pinard, on the 3rd day of August 2006, in the above hospital, did suggest the clearly unlawful use of psychotropic drugs to alter my alleged "police personality".
Such unprofessional conduct did seriously annoy and alarm me, as it was clearly intended to do. This conduct served no legitimate purpose. It was proscribed by law:
Section 240.26 (3) of the Penal Law of the State of New York and Section 29.2 (a) (2) of the Rule of the Board of Regents, as well as other laws and rules.
In addition and hours prior to attending the 19 September 2006 session, I did inform the aforesaid Messrs. Bailey and Johnson that Mr. Pinard had very angrily threatened me by demanding another extremely abusive special session. Indeed, only hours earlier and on my answering service, Mr. Pinard plainly retaliated for my complaint about his conduct to his supervisor (the aforesaid Ms. Henderson). He was furious, and still plainly out of control.
Nevertheless, I have , so far, suffered only a few gratuitous sarcastic remarks from Mr. Pinard.
My 12 September 2006 letter to the aforesaid Director Donnellan, that contained all of the specific complaints, has not resulted in an acknowledgement nor a response of any kind.
12 September 2006 letters of complaint to Acting Undersecretary for Health Michael J. Kussman, M.D. and to the Office of Professional Discipline of the New York State Department of Education (475 Park Avenue South, Second Floor, New York, N.Y. 10016-6901, Telephone Number 1-212-961-5879 or 1-212-961-4369) and others have met the same fate.
However, as of today (Saturday 6 January 2007), the American Legion and the aforesaid O.P.D. and the aforesaid Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver did respond.
I am a 61-year-old honorably discharged combat veteran of the elite 101st Airborne Division (Vietnam) who had been suffering a very serious heart condition and other very serious illnesses when Mr. Pinard was engaged in the aforesaid course of conduct. Moreover, both Henderson and Pinard had known of the conditions of my health. I have seven years of extraordinarily active law enforcement in my history, and I am extremely identifiable to criminals. This often includes drug users.
I suspect that retaliation under color of law or rule or procedure may follow this complaint. Please, therefore, do all that you can. Thanks your for your attention.
Sincerely Yours,
Frederick A. Jones
670 A Greene Avenue, Apt. 3B
Brooklyn, New York 11221
Telephone No. 1-718-919-2028
Fax No. 1-718-919-2028
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