[Victims of Court Corruption] Arizona and Wyoming Pass Anti-Federal Gun Grab Laws
fn:Ron Branson
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title:National J.A.I.L. Commander-In-Chief
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National J.A.I.L. Commander-In-Chief=0D=0A=
Arizona and Wyoming Pass Anti-Federal Gun Grab Laws
Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
February 1, 2013
Shooter said: “The country is called the United States; it’s not called the federal government. The states are sovereign.”
State Senator Keli Ward, co-sponsor of the bill explained: “Basically it is a statement because I am very impassioned about Arizona state rights. I believe the federal government has taken liberties that they are not at liberty to take, especially in encroaching on our Second Amendment rights.”
In Wyoming, the State House of Representative approved a bill to restrict the federal gun grab within their state lines. Included in the legislation was an amendment that classified any attempt by federal agents to enforce federal gun control mandates as a felony.
Citizens would also be empowered to obtain concealed carry permits to allow guns onto both college campuses and onto the premises of public schools. This bill exempts assault rifles and high capacity magazines from the federal gun control restriction laws introduced on Capitol Hill. ....
Mass. Gun Crimes Rise Despite Strict Laws
BOSTON — Massachusetts passed some of the toughest guns laws in the nation in 1998, but statistics show that since then, the number of gun-related crimes committed here has risen.
The Boston Globe reports that in 2011, Massachusetts recorded 122 gun-related homicides, almost double the 65 homicides in 1998.
According to an FBI analysis, there were increases in other crimes involving guns in Massachusetts, too. From 1998 to 2011, aggravated assaults with guns rose almost 27 percent while robberies with firearms increased almost 21 percent.
Gun-rights groups say the statistics are evidence that gun control does not work.
But gun-control advocates point out that many of the gun-related crimes are committed with weapons bought out of state, particularly New Hampshire and Maine, where gun-buying laws are less restrictive.
Above reporting by The Associated Press