Wednesday, November 14, 2012

[Victims of Court Corruption] * * * There Comes A Time When We Must Just Shoot The Bastards * * *

There Comes A Time When
We Must Just Shoot The Bastards

by Ron Branson

John Kotmair, than you for writing me about enforcement. Early on within JAIL4Judges I sought out knowledgeable souls familiar with law to act as "devil's advocates." I did not want these People to praise the work I had placed into this important piece of legislation, but to brutally attack my work. For this purpose, I visited the Bakersfield Militia Organization known for their stern nature. At that event, I was challenged on the very point of which you are bring up, i.e., "Enforcement."

As a result, I returned home to prepare a section on Enforcement. It is now within JAIL4judges as paragraph 20, which reads, "20. Enforcement. No person exercising strict enforcement of the findings of a Special Grand Jury shall be held liable civilly, criminally, or in contempt."

Essentially, its intent is to give the People complete and total immunity when they are carrying out the strict enforcement of the findings of the Special Grand Jury. While this paragraph does not mention the County Sheriff, or his authority, common sense dictates to allow the Sheriff to have the first crack at enforcing the findings of the Special Grand Jury.

However, after allowing the Sheriff first crack, the People may step in and enforce this provision by any physical means necessary to carry out its purpose.

This means that you, or whoever, may grab a shotgun, and solicit whoever else wishes to enforce this provision, to enter the judge's chambers and order the judge so defrocked by this Grand Jury to vacate his office post haste. For instance, an order may be to give the judge 30 minutes to get his personal belonging thrown into a box and out the door. Otherwise, he shall be bodily apprehended and escorted out of the judge's chambers. There is nothing of which any government agency may do to interfere with this removal.

Now should the Sheriff not remove the judge, and instead interfere with a judge's removal, the Sheriff may be duly warned that if he interferes, he will be physically arrested for interfering with this lawful process. I like your words here,
"I use to tell people who would tell me they had the power of citizen's arrest when I was on the police force, yes you do, but only if you are able."

These People who are acting upon an order of the finding of the Special Grand Jury cannot, and shall not in any way be held liable civilly, criminally, or in contempt. They are totally immune from all retribution as if a diplomat carrying out his duties.

I was accused, in respect to this paragraph 20 of granting immunity, when the provisions of J.A.I.L itself calls for accountability of judicial immunity, and that I was therefore hypocritical.

The difference is clearly distinguishable. A judge swears by an Oath to faithfully uphold the Constitution, being a public employee, and a servant to the People. Contrariwise, when these People are carrying out the enforcement of the findings of the Special Grand Jury, they are not public employees, or servants of the People. THEY ARE THE PEOPLE.

We, the People, have the unquestionable Power to cloth ourselves with inherent immunity whensoever the situation calls for it. As stated, "Desperate times calls for desperate measures!" In other words, "So be it!" Ultimate authority has to stop somewhere, and that somewhere lies within the Power of the People having total immunity for their lawful actions.

Yes, there even arises times when the People may have to just shoot the bastards, as thus saith the Declaration of Independence. We cannot, and must not shy away from what absolutely must be, and can not be otherwise. We are totally within our Rights! It was David who said prior to killing the giant, "What have I now done? Is there not a cause?" I Samuel 17:29.

Thank you, John Kotmair for bringing this issue up of enforcement. As you say, "
Any good results from the action of a Special Grand Jury will only happen if they have the power to enforce them." I shall use this email for teaching an education to the People as it relates to Enforcement. Farethewell, Brother.

Ron Branson

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Grand Juries Are Dumb Asses
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 17:25:21 -0500
From: John Kotmair <>
To: Ron Branson <>
CC: Bob Hurt <>


    Special Grand Juries are all well and good, and may even have legal validity.  But, as I use to tell people who would tell me they had the power of citizen's arrest when I was on the police force, yes you do, but only if you are able.  Any good results from the action of a Special Grand Jury will only happen if they have the power to enforce them.  I say good luck.

John Kotmair

[Victims of Court Corruption] Resting On Our Laurels Awaiting A Remedy To Arrive

Resting On Our Laurels
Awaiting A Remedy To Arrive

Commander Walter Fritzpatrick, believe it or not, I just designed an entire response to you, and before I could send it, my computer froze and I lost it all. So I am starting over.

I once tried to file a criminal complaint and the judge informed me that the court has no jurisdiction to accept a criminal complaint. Such criminal complaint can only be filed by the Prosecutor.

As a result of that experience, I designed within JAIL4judges a provision for the People to file criminal complaints. This provision provides that anyone may lodge a criminal complaint with the Prosecutor, and thereafter it gives the Prosecutor only 120 days to begin the prosecution. If he fails to prosecute within that time, the People may go on up to the Special Grand Jury with the same Forth Amendment affidavit for a finding of Probable Cause by the Special Grand Jury. Then they may in turn, turn the matter over to their Special Prosecutor who conduct the prosecution for the People. It is in this manner the People may gain access to the criminal process without permission from the prosecutor, or the courts getting in the way.

This means of criminal prosecution is paramount to the People. I have been at this for sixteen years. The problem is, the People just do not understand they cannot otherwise gain access to the criminal process. This secret is a carefully guarded secret as they do not want the People to rise up and provide for themselves a means of going after officials.

People think they can just go and file formal criminal charges against government officials when they violate the law or the Constitution, but they can't. This is only the prerogative of the Prosecutor, not the People. We shall forever be denied access to the criminal process until we decide we need this provision within JAIL4judges.

When the People decide to move on this, I am here! It is then we shall have a voice in the criminal process, and in the way we will run this country. We are only two years away from victory, but since the People are showing no initiative to even begin acquiring this power to file criminal complaints, we shall always be only two years away from victory. It was two years away back in 1995, and it is still two years away. This Victory is before us like a mule chasing a carrot dangling from a string two feet from its nose. So near, but yet so far, as King Agrippa, almost persuaded, but lost.

I wish I was able to help you, as this measure would benefit all of us. God bless you.

Ron Branson

-------- Original Message --------
Mr. Branson,

I'm asking you and groups of people who you can attract to formally file criminal charges naming OBAMA and his criminal assistants in commission of TREASON.

Fair winds, following seas,
Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III
United States Navy Retired